Hi everyone!
In our first milestone update we want to share our objectives completed and our tasks ahead.
During the initial week we began a handover process involving several of the social & operations accounts in use.
The DAO continues its governance of ZecHub. Two votes having been completed this month:
- Retain Ian Sagstetter as Advisor
- Donate ZecHub Wallet Balance
The ZecHub snapshot page is now accessible via: vote.zechub.org
The ZecHub website is also now accessible through both zechub.org and zechub.xyz
We host an open sync meeting every Tuesday. Its main purpose is to give a chance for the DAO, core team members and the community to coordinate around their contributions to the project.
The ZecHub Wiki has added pages - Visualising Zcash Addresses and ZKP & zkSNARKS.
More detail on the teams involved within each Zcash Organisation were added to 3 existing pages.These pages have now been moved to a ‘Zcash Organisations’ section. The Library and FAQ’s also saw updates.
ZecHub style guide is now available for any potential contributors to review before getting started.
Contributing guide has also been drafted and will be released to the community as soon as the Startup Fund is available (pending the establishment of ZecHub 501(c)(3) Non-profit status).
We introduced a new educational series: Zero to Zero Knowledge
- Hash Functions
- Recovery Seed Phrases
- Zcash Addresses
This month the topics covered have been focused mainly on Zcash-centric items the community will be familiar with and may also learn something new from.
During March we will explore other privacy technologies and frame Zcash within a wider context giving some perspective on ways Zcash crucially differs from similar projects.
ZecWeekly remains a central publication. Very big thank you to @ZcashBrazil, @artkor, and @Edicksonjga for their consistent translated editions. We soon hope to bring on more teams from other countries onto ZecHub global.
Providing information on ecosystem news, events, regulatory efforts and featuring your tweets and projects on a weekly basis has been encouraging for us to make.
We are looking to try different layouts for the site & adding more features to it. We have looked at ghost.io and super.so as potential options. This work will see more of our time in the coming weeks alongside prioritising community events.
We’re glad to see familiar folks joining the server discord.gg/zcash and getting involved! Don’t forget to add the ZecHub Community role in #lang-menu channel
There’s also a matrix server that is bridged to our discord channel: #zechub:matrix.org.
The team is definitely still on a learning curve, we will continue to build up ZecHub into the best venue for a vibrant & organised educational hub, providing accessible and incentivised participation in Zcash.
Happy to answer any questions!