Zingo! Onward

Hi folks I wanted to offer a quick update on the state of progress on this milestone.

  • ZIP317

    This work is in progress (and will include TEX support).

  • new wallet UI, and streamlining to integrate Nym privacy into the wallet (this does NOT include necessary work on the server-side, or Rust library components, which must be funded by other sources)

    The UI has been extensively upgraded, we will include Nym polling for this milestone.

  • coordinated work with the Zcash Foundation to produce a pure Rust, backwards compatible alternative to zcash/lightwalletd

    We kicked off this work with the substantial strides in both zingo-proxy and our contributions to regtest-mode for zebrad.

  • regtest mode implementation in zebrad to facilitate deprecation of zcashd

As mentioned we have contributed to this work, but won’t be able to complete it without input (which is forthcoming!!) from the zebrad team.

  • Android Background Sync in Android Mobile Devices
  • iOS Background Sync in iOS Mobile Devices
  • an upgraded Basic (Even More Basic) Mode to facilitate new User on-board