Hi guys, this morning I’ve seen 500 + difficulty in the testnet, it means jaws are between us?
Yesterday it was around 50 - 80 +, now it is ten times more.
I’ve seen, this morning, the solution of 10 blocks in less than 10 minutes, in this way the supposed slow mining will be a dream, is it correct?
Can anyone help me in understanding the situation, thanks.
Ps. with 80+ I was able to find (with CPU) a block every 4-5 hours, now nothing to do, I’m out.
Maybe I’ve been lucky and I found a block in zmine.io.
After an hard beginning it seams to me that the cpu is working well also with 2K of difficulty, I’m confused. Any Idea? I didn’t make any upgrade.
Does anybody know where the formula to convert from “difficulty” to network hashrate is?
Contrary to claims the formula for zcash is not the same as the one for bitcoin – if it were, then the current difficulty=1366 would imply over 9 gigahash/sec on the pre-launch testnet, which is beyond absurd.
Rant: I always thought the difficulty metric was a demented idea. The protocol uses the target, not this silly “difficulty” business with its arbitrary 2^32 scaling factor. And humans use network hashrate. Bah. Rant off.
You should have not updated if you do not want to lose your coin. LOL. Coins mined on testnet has no value. It is to test your setup and to test zcash before actual launch. Difficulty is reaching new high, you might have a small chance of hitting a block if you have few hardwares. I suggest if you know and understand now how zcash system works, save your electricity for the actual zcash blockchain. Good luck.
Hello troll, all coins are going to be lost when main net launches. No worries here. I was just wondering about the difficulty, and integration of solvers.
I haven’t tried the integrated solver to by @sarath-hotspot. Some may have have successfully used it and this probably causes the difficulty to rise and make it difficult to find a block. Its a preview of how hard the actual zcash mining will be.
It’s just an advise from one miner to another. No i’ll intention or anything.