I have recently reached out to Bitrefill to inquire about the possibility of adding support for Zcash. I have not heard back yet but after looking into their FAQ I saw the following statement:
“We do not have short-term plans to natively support additional cryptocurrencies. If we add new coins in the future, we will prioritize by the size of the user base.”
I wanted to make this post as a call to action for the community to voice their support with likes and comments so when I do get a response from them I can share this forum thread to highlight the community’s support for this idea.
You can also submit a request on their website here
oh nice gift cards. have not used dem before but if possible to use Zec one day with them wud try it out 4 sure.
I use Bitrefill very often and in my opinion is the best service of his category. I also filled the form, but shall we also start a Twitter campaign to get involved all the zcashers out there? I can contribute with Zcash Inside.
Wow, they offer gift cards for many main services and products here in Brazil.
If they add support for Zcash, I’ll definitely use it!
I sent a request last month and this was the answer

I think they would implement Zcash payments if only a large number of real users would ask for it. Every zcasher should start to use Bitrefill and ask for Zcash.