Address Book for the Swing UI


I hacked up an Address Book for @vaklinov 's swing ui. You can grab the binaries for Mac and Linux here Release Address Book Alpha 1 · zlatinb/zcash-swing-wallet-ui · GitHub

It is not complete but it should be usable. I hope to finish it very soon; until then all feedback is welcome!


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any screen shots of it in action?


cool, looks nice, ill have to check it out tomorrow

Looks great. I’d love to see it rolled into the official Swing UI wallet.

The mac app is going to have the jvm and zcash embedded into it

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Can you give us source code for us paranoid types who won’t run a binary for a wallet from an unknown dev?

It should be right there on the release page as a .zip and .tar.gz :slight_smile:

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Perfect!! I’ll take a look at installing this now.