Greetings! I would like to be considered for a second term on the Zcash Community Grants committee.
I take the role of community steward to heart. ZCG requires a blend of technical and business expertise, strategic vision, organisational skills, and diplomacy. I think my fellow committee members are exceptional, and it’s been an honour to work with them. I think we’ve got a good balance of those traits!
From one perspective, the past year has been highly educational and exciting. I’m inspired by the breadth and diversity of projects, individuals, and teams involved in Zcash, and it’s been a privilege to help channel resources to promising areas, and to get to know so many amazing contributors. On the other hand, those resources have been especially strained, and it’s been disappointing to have to support fewer initiatives and at lower amounts than I originally envisioned. What with low ZEC prices, loss of key community members, and the changes at ECC, the committee has had to be flexible and agile in a changing and unpredictable ecosystem. Sometimes decisions that made sense previously make less sense now.
For example, the proliferation of independently implemented wallets / user interfaces can look like a good move for decentralization when resources are plenty, but looks redundant and wasteful when it would consume the entire budget.
“Will this increase adoption?” is my lens for prioritization. I think the funds we have already directed toward education will continue to pay off in that regard, and I’m hopeful that we’re finally on our way to having a hardware wallet that supports shielding. But I think we also need to focus on simple usability: onboarding/exchange, sync times, network-level privacy.
One situation that’s changed for me since last year is my relationship to Least Authority. While I truly love the mission and the people at LA, I have resigned from the board and am exploring how to divest my financial interest, in order to free myself of perceived or contractual conflicts of interest.
Thank you for your support and encouragement!