An Introdction to RandomX, Benchmarking tool and pool/solo mining

If you have come here from the RandomX GitHub please post questions and issues in this thread not the GitHub - I am more than willing to help with the config and setup.

If you are new here and found this place via RandomX, welcome to zcash. We too are a privacy centred coin. Take a look around and I hope you enjoy your stay.

This guide is for working with windows binaries. for TXChangeCoin - which is a fork of the monero codebase with the default RandomX parameters.

Compiling from source is so much easier under ubuntu and the usb install is a better method for testing imho, because of less background tasks and a standardised building environment.

A lot of people have Windows based desktops so here is a guide:
Also windows has much better overclocking software. This is for desktop hardware not server hardware.

This should be run on a test machine. Not your normal daily windows pc - mainly due to background tasks and possible security concerns. see below.

Make sure you are up to date with all windows patches. (this is for stability and hashrate improvement reasons)

This tutorial is based off:

I have done a very brief review of the code and the binaries and I see nothing nefarious, but still dont trust anyone when it comes to crypto.
because I am involved in this I feel the need to put this info in:

basic crypto computer safety info - please read
  • If you are not using a dedicated testing rig please consider:
  • the risks of installing any 3rd party software on a machine with access you your wallet files. (dont do it, just make an ubuntu USB version)
  • Do not install 3rd party software on machines which you intend to use to send transactions.
  • Use virus total, it is quick and easy. VirusTotal and tests against 64 different virus scanners for you.


VirusTotal results for wallet.exe and xmrig.exe

**1 false positive for wallet.exe by Antiy-AVL the threat is flagged as - **

We will find out why the false positive and remove it. It is probably something to do with wallet encryption (we will not remove wallet encryption!)

The xmrig results are to be expected. it is flagged as mining software, not a virus.

Right with that out of the way:

First grab the windows release binaries for the TXChangeCoin GUI and Wallet software for windows from here:

click to expand, quite a few pics tho.

Photo walkthrough Installation.

Double clicking on txchangecoin-gui.exe brings up a admin prompt, click okay.
You should now get this screen.

Click Next… and you get this screen…

Erm, okay. the text is a bit buggy. I will get around to sorting that. Probably don’t need this screen at all. anyway click Next and you get this.

BEST LICENCE EVER! I hope everyone can agree to that. so click the radio button and then click Next.

This screen has a bug, Light yellow text on a white background.

But if you highlight the text it shows you the path. just click Next. Or change the folder then click Next.

If you changed the installation directory in the last step it gets presented in a readable form here. Double check it, and click Start

Wow that was a lot of steps. but finally done, hurm, it says next. okay Click next.

Not really too sure what this is about but at least the button says finish! click finish. The installer needs some work. but it does do its job. As you can see, we are trying to get the tech right then the polish.

Now we need to run the wallet and create a new address for us to mine to. It is all pretty self explanatory but yep, you guessed it. more pictures.

Initialising a wallet and syncing the blockchain

Double clicking on the desktop shortcut will bring up this screen:
So far I have only tested creating a new wallet so do that. Click CREATE

It will ask you for a password, so set one.

Now you get the important information

I have hidden the view key, the mining address and mnemonic. You should type the seed words on a bit of paper or click the copy button and paste into a text editor so you can restore your wallet if the need should arise.

Click open wallet

You can see the orange bar at the bottom indicating that it is syncing. Standard stuff in here. Will go into more detail later. To get the primary mining address click Receive then you can click the copy icon and it will copy your address to the clipboard - paste this into notepad for later.

once syned the bar goes green.

Great, we are ready

Now we have an address we can start mining on the pool and getting some coins and testing different setups of your hardware, and get real world stats. see my previous post for the 24hr mining average using the ubuntu install - as seen by the pool.

lets grab the newly compiled windows version of xmrig with support for RX/TEST (this is based off xmr v2.99 I have yet to get around to making config files for this so we will create a batchfile and set the parameters via the command line.

Download the binary [1]

  • Unzip it somewhere.
  • Navigate to that folder with windows explorer.
  • Open notepad
  • add this two lines filling out your details. marked with <> tags. notice the --threads= option at the end. Experiment with this. The threads parameter is the one discussed in previous posts. This is the actual mining threads. so for my ryzen it would be ~6 see the ubuntu post for more details.
xmrig.exe -a rx/test -o stratum+tcp:// --user=<YOUR_MINING_ADDRESS> -pass=<YOUR_WORKER_NAME> -k -r 5 --asm=AUTO --donate-level=1  --print-time=60 --threads=<THREADS>

Save this file as mine.bat. then you should have a screen similar to this.


don’t forget to enable largepages!

Enabling largePages
  • Press start and type gpedit, this should bring up the Local Group Policy Editor
  • Windows settings → security settings → local policies → user rights assignment
  • Now scroll down to Lock Pages In Memory
  • Double click it
  • Add the user which will be doing the testing. I normally just add administrotor
  • Click check name, to make sure it is the correct name - if you sign in with an then you need to add that.
  • Reboot.
  • Dont forget if you only added LOCAL-PC/Administator you will need to run the command prompt as admin

phew. all done, reboot and we are ready to go!

Navigate back to the folder with xmrig and mine.bat

Now double click mine.bat and you should get this (this is my 2600 under exactly the same hardware config as the ubuntu usb install. I will update with pool side stats for my 24hr period tomorrow.


Or you can launch straight from the terminal by navigating to the folder containing the xmrig you just downloaded and run

xmrig.exe -a rx/test -o stratum+tcp:// --user=<YOUR_MINING_ADDRESS> -pass=<YOUR_WORKER_NAME> -k -r 5 --asm=AUTO --donate-level=1  --print-time=60 --threads=<THREADS>

Now you can get a baseline and start playing with threads, ram timings and all the other stuff that is easy to do in windows with software, but much harder in Linux unless you can do it via the bios.

check you stats for the pool here

[1] The sourcecode is available in the same folder. -