Any Official Answers To These Questions?

  1. Maybe in 2016

  2. 10% to be leaked out at a rate of 20% of coins issued per block for the first 4 years [corrected after seeing Voluntary’s post below]

  3. Block number N will give N x 0.0005 to miners and N x 0.000125 to founders/devs/investors for a month until it reaches the final 10 / 2.5 coins per block (for 4 years, like bitcoin was supposed to do). [total is 10/2 x 20,000 = 100,000 as Voluntary says]

  4. What? You know exchanges add coins like bulls take heifers. There will be 83 coins produced on day one, not likely to be on exchanges on day 2.

  5. Yes. See this from the CEO: Speculative mining discussion - #7 by zooko Currently there does not seem to be any public code that makes GPU mining faster for solving Equihash and it will cost more electricity. The reason is that it is based on needing to sort data which has always been GPU’s weak spot in comparison to CPUs.