Arborist Calls Update - Alternating Meeting Times

Our next Zcash Aborist Call will be December 2nd at 16:00 UTC!

Beginning with the December 2nd call, we’ll be alternating this time slot with our usual 22:30 UTC slot for every other Arborist call.

Our December 16th call will be at 22:30 UTC and we’ll cancel the December 30th call due to the holiday season. Arborist calls will resume January 13th for the new year.

Registration is open and you can sign up for the call here .

Arborist calls are monthly calls where Zcash protocol contributors convene to discuss upgrade timelines and process, protocol R&D efforts, design and implementation of new protocol features, and identify blockers and unresolved issues. See this post for full details.

If you’re interested in presenting at a future Arborist calls, contact me at with “Arborist Call” in the subject line.