Totally agree, no doubt about this.
However, it would be nice that other asic producers should always be included into such audits/comparing as well because so far i can see only some afford from Bitmain and all others just total silence. While at least we got an idea on Bitmain numbers so far and some other info, we have absolute 0 info about Baikal, Asicminer, Innosilicon and all the others that produce asics and may come up with an equihash asic as well.
And than, even with audits, there is the problem that myths and rumours seem to be stronger than numbers and audits. Best example for this is the so called antbleed issue that was removed within days from all antminers and never again used but a majority still thinks it is in the software, no matter it is not.
2 Likes just summarized the SIA teams research as well. Calling into question a lot of what Bitmain has said, and other parts they pretty much debunk as false.
If Bitmain is serious about amending their image and instilling trust, it would be good for them to sit down and address these claims. Right now it’s one side of a story, and research that points in a particular direction. It would be interesting to hear what the company has to say to explain what is going on, and how it no longer true, or was never actually the case.
Unable to read it as it seems to be in the paid section… 
Maybe copy it over?
@boxalex In Chrome, open a new Incognito mode (private browsing) window, and the article loads fine.