Community Call with the ZCG Candidates - 20:00 UTC on 15th December 2022

  1. How many small business owners have 10 hours a week free to serve as a member of the ZCG?
  2. How many full time employees with kids have time to write RFPs?
  3. How many leaders in the crypto space have the capacity to assist in managing a Global Ambassador Program on-top of reviewing grants?

ZCG membership is not intended to be a paid job opportunity at the expense the applicants other job/career and yet the responsibilities of a ZCG member are ever increasing. Reviewing grants, RFIs, RFPs, Global Ambassador Program, attending conferences, etc. Do you think we should keep expecting more from ZCG members and in effect make the ZCG role a paid part-time position? Or do you think we should focus more on the core competency of reviewing grants and keep attracting a larger and diverse set of candidates?