Currently you can build zcash on Windows 10 Anniversary Edition using the “Bash on Ubuntu on Windows” aka “Linux on Windows” subsystem. For developers or serious crypto currency fans or early adopters who don’t or won’t run linux, this may be fine. Zcash Company has has said that they are planning for Windows and Mac support in the future, but it is unclear is that simply means support for building from source, or a binary release with a graphical installer and the associated tools you’d want to run a console only (non-GUI) release of zcash, either as just a full node or for mining using the currently included reference release of the miner.
I’m currently in the midst of a native Windows 10 build of zcash which I’m planning on packaging up with a GUI installer and an appropriate shell to run it in preconfigured. How much interest is there in crowd funding such an effort? If I get enough response, I’d provide support for the release (dedicated download site, mailing list, Slack, forum, etc.) and maintain it as new zcash versions come out. If the level of funding is high enough, I’d release Windows 8.x (and maybe 7) versions, and possibly a 32 bit release (does zcash run on 32 linux right now? I have to check!).
How many folks are interested in backing such an effort? Ideas on the best crowdfunding platform? (patreon, paypal donations, “send BTC to this address”, etc)?
Thanks everyone!
UPDATE: I already have a Patreon account, but I haven’t done anything with it yet, so I’ll set that up this weekend, with different goals for various items above (Win7/8 release, 32 bit build, etc.) and priority support for backers.
In the meantime if anybody wants to chip in you can send me BTC at: 1AsoFtYfV2mCpCS98Qf3ytKs8y9VSzZ4V5 or fiat to: PayPal.Me
Right now I don’t have a day job, and unemployment is dwindling, so any support for this effort means a LOT!