Digimint Mining Rig Configuration

I’ll switch one of my rigs to this miner and see what kind of stats I get.


nice rack, very efficient

i found 0.3.2 to be more unstable than 0.3.0… will try 0.3.3

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One row has 28 cards, 112 cards per rack. Found pCIe splitters very helpful.

Do you use cards’ own fans or some kind of external fans?

One row has 28 cards, 112 cards per rack. Found pCIe splitters very helpful.

Which pcie splitters do you use?

Both, turn the fan speeds to max on the cards, inflow fan(cool) and outflow fan(hot).
Pay no electricity so no worries on ROI and extra fans.

nice! how many GPU per motherboard when using the splitters?
what do the splitters look like

7-14 cards per board depending on how many the miner software wants to accept and recognize.


wow cool, i gotta get me some of those
your using ubuntu on all rigs?

Wowzer! What PSU are you using to run those rigs?

Yes! Or these ones

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What do you need to power this beast, like 20kW? :slight_smile:

Lol runs fine on a couple 1400w’s.

Where do you order those parts from?

thats a pretty crazy extender, i have to find that
what do you call that last board?

The risers I get from a local guy who’s an importer pretty sure Amazon is the go to for most as for the splitters I order them in bulk from

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Lepa’S and Thermaltake’s

A 20 GPU motherboard custom made lol found it online from a custom board maker no name just a board

I live in chiina so I can probably get you a better deal on parts if you need any more :slight_smile:

I need more info on that board so I can find it, im sure people would want it… ahh its custom damn

Can we order more of those boards? :smiley: