Download zcash blockchain


Is there a link on a file share site / torrents etc where one can download a shared blockchain lets say till end of last year? Anyone share their blockchain?

Also, if anyone is using ZecQTWallet for Windows - any idea how to change blockchain download destination to other folder than C:?

See FAQ - ZecWallet Docs

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thanks…I used this to move the folder location…now just waiting for the blockchain to download!

You see I requested a transaction to my local wallet receiving address before the blockchain had finished downloading (its now at Dec 2016 state!) … so is there a web wallet where I could import the private key of the corresponding address to process the ZEC while I wait?

If it was a transparent address then you should be able to export the private key from ZecWallet and import it to a compatible wallet. I’ve personally never tried this on any service but I’d guess any wallet on here Wallets - Zcash would likely offer that functionality (again only for transparent addresses)

thanks but you see desktop wallets require the blockchain to be downloaded even if I were to import the private key…I will try to see if Bitgo web wallet can do that.

Where can I find the PUBLIC key in ZecWallet to use on

Try Coinomi, Jaxx or Guarda as I’m sure they will all allow you to import a private key.

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@garethtdavies thanks for your quick responses!

Guarda worked perfectly!

I could import the key and transfer straight away.