Economic efficiency

Economic efficiency

An entrepreneur who spends, for example, $150,000 or more on a product must first earn this money through the product that he develops and sells.

He begins to develop products that earn back the money they cost and at a certain point even make a profit. If every entrepreneur acted like Zcash, he would be Insolvent in 6 months. Don’t they actually understand that? First you have to earn money, not by selling coins but through the product you have developed and yes, this will certainly also increase the quality of the developments if you proceed according to this scheme, which is actually the standard. The quantity of developments will be less but the quality more. They have only spending money for 8 years but little to nothing comes in and if only through work on other projects as I have heard.

The money doesn’t grow on the tree. Who or how do they actually finance this other than through coin sales, i.e. the community’s money?

Or let’s put it another way. If you really finance yourself through coin sales, i.e. by taking the community’s money out of the pot, then you have to do everything possible to ensure that this money is used in the best possible way and, of course, with a return so that you can finance yourself after a while.

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