@moderators, @zooko, @nathan-at-least
Please may we have an extension on what gets included into NU4 regarding the development fund.
It is clear that across the community there is broad consensus that zcash will need continual funding. How and where this funding comes from and where it goes to is still a talking point.
When Shawn first raised this thread (about 7 months ago) Zooko stated that he felt it a conflict of interest for the ECC to get involved with the discussion of continual funding. I a fair and balanced sentiment.
Looking back over the thread though it seems it end up with the community discussing it themselves for several months - with the foundation making a clear stance and suggesting ideas. But ultimately the thread was about principles and high level ideas.
I believe that due to the good intention of zooko (and for the safety from legal ramifications), it made the ECC representatives reticent to get involved with the topic at all except to dispel misinformation. Which exacerbated the above issue.
We have seen considerable uptake in community engagement over the past week on this topic in no small part to Nathan coming forward and really getting involved with helping the community try to organise themselves in a manner the ECC can do something with. This was an amazing step forward in finding a solution to this problem.
We will hear from zooko very soon, and I feel the community has solidified their opinions and basic ideas enough that Zooko cannot be seen to have a conflict of interest anymore, nor more importantly legal liability. (I am not a lawyer though). The community has also worked out how to get information from the development team that enables them to get their voice heard without compromising the integrity of the position of the ECC.
We (the community) are at a stage where we can put /something/ forward, however I think an extra 4 - 6 weeks maximum extension would really help us understand the ramifications of what we are suggesting.
All of the feedback I have got so far has made me think of new issues with my ideas, helped me solidify my ideas, allow me to accept new ideas and new routes. This all takes time to sink in.
This has happened in every thread in the proposals section.
I understand what we are talking about is non trivial and will require non trivial work to implement - but now there is community engagement and it is very productive engagement at that. (I was completely wrong on what I thought would happen - due to me misinterpreting Shawn and the very strong clear response from the moderation team plus the very helpful engagement of the development team)
I don’t think anyone is at fault in this issue and had we had discussions like this back in Jan/Feb/March this would all be solidified by now. (but I can see how it would be a very fine line for a ECC employee to get involved at that time)
I know you have development cycles you follow, I know you do agile, so this will be a pain for you. I think the benefit to the zcash ecosystem as a whole would outweigh those issues. I do not have the full information on this though.
To be clear I am not saying do not announce/lock anything on the 31st, just make a special case in this one instance. We are after all trying to make a special case for funding. A lot of the people posting here and have proposals also have full time jobs. The forum is just a very small subset of the zcash community so I feel that it is out duty to make sure we get these fuding propsals right.
Sorry for the wall of text. Please add your thoughts. Is this a possibiity?
I would see the timeline something like this -
- Rough Drafts by the 31st (not a hard deadline though, but it might not get accepted after)
- Two weeks for the company to review them and put a basic timeline and implementation impact (cant remember the exact bit it is called in the ZIP but its the technical bit we cant do) And assess overall impact of compatibility between ZIPS
- Feedback to the community who have two weeks to consider and consolidated their ZIP’s based off ECC technical feedback aspects
- Possible second round of vetting and checking of last minute ZIPs or Final drafts to be submitted.
4 - 6 week extension.