June 21, 2019, 1:15pm
This is our fortnightly engineering update which happens after the conclusion of each 2-week engineering sprint. You can check out last week’s update for recent news on community and communications.
Since this week has been taken up by a lot of travel and prep for Zcon1 (hello from Croatia!), this will be a special edition to feature a lot of the forum activity around NU3 and dev fund discussions!
As part of the Zcash Improvement Proposal and Network Upgrade Pipeline, the Electric Coin Company (ECC) is publishing our assessments of proposals, our official stance on proposals, and our commitment of company resources to proposals for the Network Upgrade 3 (NU3), due to activate in April of 2020.
About Feature Selection
For each ZIP, within ECC, we answered these questions:
Is the ZIP sufficiently specified, such that it could be successfully implemented in NU3?
Do we believe t…
Hello there Zealous Zcashers,
I just posted about ECC’s NU3 Feature Selection and now that we have a plan for NU3 features, it’s time to find a thematic code name.
Let’s hear people’s suggestions and take an informal poll here to pick a name!
The previous protocol version names have all had a plant-development theme: Sprout → Overwinter → Sapling → Blossom → ???
What’s next?
Dev fund & NU4 ZIP proposal discussions
It all started here…
I’m going to start a new thread here to focus questions/thoughts about the future of Zcash.
Zcash is in a unique situation that has many questions that need to be answered in the next two years before the Founders Reward ends. This includes the question of what happens when the Founders Reward runs out, (ie: is there an extension/new fund?) but doesn’t stop there.
I step into my time machine
Now I’m in October of the year 2020. The halving has just happe…
Followed up by an attempted summary of funding ideas and sentiments…
Hello all,
ECC is paying attention to the discussions and proposals regarding post-Founders’ Reward development funding. As a result, we’ve collected all of the main proposals & sentiments. Most of these comments have come from The future of Zcash in the year 2020 .
I think the best focus for the discussion on this thread is to move towards formalized proposals for any consensus-critical changes into draft-ZIPs for NU4 (deadline August 31st). To sketch out a proposal, feel free to use what’s o…
And then a whole bunch of proposals from the community to check out…
Mod edit at @mistfpga ’s request: Please read the GitHub version , which is different from the earlier draft below.
02/Aug/19 Hopefully zip ready.
01/Aug/19 Total rework of format and ZIP to incorporate feedback.
New feedback required please.
@nathan-at-least - this is my proposal I would like your comments on.
ZIP proposal Keep the block distribution as initaly defined. 90% to miners
I will make it better in github.
1 - Header
ZIP: unassigned.
Title: ZIP proposal Keep the block distr…
Mod edit at @mistfpga ’s request: Please read the GitHub version , which is different from the earlier draft below.
02/Sept/19 Final
This zip in no way impacts 2-2 or whatever so should not fail under those reasons.
Thanks to @daira and @str4d for their advice. I will GitHub this as soon as I get finished doing final proposals on the forums.
13/Aug/19 Added clarity to terminology. thanks sonya.
28/July/19 Total rework of format and ZIP to incorporate feedback and @Daira design template
Reposting here (if I’ve messed up please edit/delete)
I propose :-
Funding continues from block rewards at (XXX per block)
Funding follow a halving schedule (every XXX blocks)
Funding stops when it reaches block (XXX)
(Note: The amount per block and block numbers are blank, this is simply a proposal for the mechanism)
Benefits :-
The dev funding issue will not have to be revisited every few years
Provides more support for short/near term activities
Provides incentives to work on adoption &…
1 - Header
ZIP: unassigned.
Title: Dev Fund: 20% Split Evenly Between the ECC and the Zcash Foundation, and a Voting System Mandate
Advocate: Aristarchus (aristarchus on zcash forums)
ZIP Status: Draft
Category: Process
Created: 2019-06-19
License: MIT
2 - Terminology
To understand this ZIP it is critical that people understand the right terminology so their requirements can be quickly checked.
And finally some other related discussions…
Fear not.
I have decided to put a stop to RandomX testing for a few days. In this time I intend to concentrate on trying to work out how to make a zip and all that.
As most of you know I am very pro not changing anything. However this is my opinion and not that of everybody’s. For this to function I have to embrace the ideas I hate as much as the ones that I think are the way forward.
So if you PM me [ALL PM’s WILL BE KEPT IN STRICT CONFIDENCE] with what you think and maybe a link to a post …
@moderators , @zooko , @nathan-at-least
Please may we have an extension on what gets included into NU4 regarding the development fund.
It is clear that across the community there is broad consensus that zcash will need continual funding. How and where this funding comes from and where it goes to is still a talking point.
When Shawn first raised this thread (about 7 months ago) Zooko stated that he felt it a conflict of interest for the ECC to get involved with the discussion of continual f…
Thanks to all who have been engaging recently on these topics!
We’ll be back in 2 weeks with your regularly scheduled Engineering update.