Hello, I tried to start my zec node but I get this error message
What should I do

Do you still get the issue when you restart the node, like:
zcashd -reindex
I use -reindex / -rescan but it’s still not work.
Typically use one or the other (unless thats what you mean)
Type: zcashd -reindex
This could be another issue from your zcash.conf. If you still get the error after running:
zcashd -reindex
It might be worth just removing the chain and downloading a fresh one.
rm -rf ~/.zcash/chainstate/
rm -rf ~/.zcash/blocks/
Then start zcash normally via ./zcashd
This does completely force your node to download all the blocks from 0. I don’t know resource or Internets constrains for everyone but have done this on several full nodes myself. If you still run into issues please ping us.