Forum re-organization underway

Please note that I’m busy re-organizing the forums to make it easier for users to find posts.

This includes making new categories and sub-categories and moving stuff to them. If you see my “edit” any of your posts it is only because I’m shifting the category you originally chose to a new category. No contents of the post themselves will be affected by the moves.

Please pardon my dust :dash: :slightly_smiling_face:

If you have any feedback on this re-org please feel free to let me know!


Hi Shawn,
It would be great when trying to follow approved community grants. So, individuals can more quickly follow or become informed of tools / projects in the ecosystem: education, tech, events etc
Thanks for this time warp of a task

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Do you have anything specific in mind?

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The logic is a new forum user looking for how to sell items using zec? Currently it’s hard to find a good point of reference for Zgo. How many times has a data researcher looked for a network crawler to scan how many zec nodes are active in the open internet.
Suggestion: in categories: approved grants, a list of approved grantees, hopefully the grantees as they move the project along have links for users to go to gitlab or some other reference.
This is simple feed back no worries if you see it different or it’s not functional.


Yes, looking through it many of the applicants when approved simply keep posting their updates in the same “application” category/thread.

It’s not clear how they are supposed to transition from “application” to “approved” or are they supposed to stop posting in the application thread and move to "Community grants updates " instead?

Any thoughts how to make this clearer @BrunchTime @aquietinvestor ?

Maybe just rename “Community grants updates” to “approved grants” and when a grant is approved just swap the categories from “applications” to “approved” ?


We generally use the “Community Grants Updates” sub-category for our bi-weekly meeting minutes. To make it more clear, we could rename that sub-category to “Meeting Minutes”. Additionally, we could create two sub-categories for “Approved” and “Rejected” grants and move proposal threads from “Applications” to the relevant sub-category after a decision is made.

I’m open to other suggestions as well.

ZCG has a meeting on Monday. I’ll mention this topic to the committee, get their input, and follow up with you afterwards.

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Think of everything under the “Community Grants” as ZCGs to organize as they see fit.

I can add and remove sub-categories to suit.

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Hello! I’ve noticed a change in how the posts are displayed for me on the forum. They now appear as a list, and I have to adjust the view to see the categories. I was wondering if this is a recent change in the forum’s organization, as I personally preferred when the categories were shown upfront. Thank you for your attention!

Hi @ceb9ceb4ceb9cf89cf84 , you can still view the category list by clicking “categories”

on Mobile:

on Desktop:

The default view is now on the latest conversations to highlight recent activity.


On a related note, I propose that we change the accent color in dark mode to a shade of yellow. If you visit in dark mode they have a color theme that I think would suit Zcash.


oof, thanks for the heads up. I hadn’t even looked at the dark theme yet, it’s very broken with the incorrect (dark) logo colors, bad color combinations, etc…

I’ll get it fixed with the yellow Zcash accent colors and some other tweaks.


Give dark mode a go now, be sure to refresh your browser cache.

I also tweaked the default light theme accents from blue to one shade darker than Zcash yellow.


Love the dark theme. :heart_eyes:


Looks much better :ok_hand:

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Awesome. The forum looks much better. The unread bubbles are too light. Hard to see in light mode.

Could you add a dark/light toggle button near the keyboard shortcuts button?


@gottabeJay You can now choose the site color theme by clicking the brush :paintbrush: icon on the bottom of the sidebar. It’s a brush rather than a sun/moon so that I can add even more themes in the future. 80’s neon theme? Steampunk? Only limit is the imagination and the time to create the assets! :wink:

As far as the unread notification icon, I saw that too. Discourse only allows that to be a lighter color derived from the base color of buttons and hyperlinks. In this case I changed those to be “Zcash” yellow so the only option to darken it would be to make all the other elements a darker yellow.