You ll see a list of crypto currency. At the bottom there will be ZEC. Click Deposit and you will see an address appear. Copy that adress and enter it into your GM wallet address for ZEC
My dad used to say “A fool and their gold soon part.”
Thing is all the warning signs were there and I even posted some of them. (Which Genesis dismissed as “long videos”).
Meanwhile they use this paid actor to shill for them pretending to be just some dude who discovered crypto and bought into their scheme. Yeah, right… Paid shill.
Flashy ads, paid actors, FFS what more do they have to do to look like a scam before people stop giving them their hard earned Bitcoin?
Hey guys, do you know what is that magic sooo private & secret detail that these outright thieves (not an insult, but fact, check my last post here for clear argumentation) are only able to tell you over private channel ??
Ok, get ready, … . It’s a quote from their hypocritical support bot:
" Please realize that the Zcash technology is currently in development, and in some cases we will have to deal with issues as they appear."
Ha? Take a look at that. I mean … Seriously ??? In 2 weeks time, few guys put up a whole farm on a Canadian weather while these … I mean this is the best excuse they can come up with??? It’s a disgrace.
Yes, Genesis Mining will mine at less efficient hashing power than your own rig. I honestly don’t know what else you’d expect. The same profitability as having your own dedicated solo miner? People choose a cloud mining service FOR EASE OF USE and because it takes near ZERO EFFORT. You don’t get that for free. Guess what the cost is? Exactly what you’re complaining about.
No, I’m not a shill. Just a guy who’s fed up with this nonsense. I see it everywhere. People whining about getting better H/S with their gaming PC R9 series card. Whining about GM payouts on the first day.
Just get a grip. I do cloud mining for the following reasons:
I know better than to straight up BUY zcash off exchanges. It will continue to plummet for the time being.
I lacked the technical knowledge to set up my own mining op in time.
I have enough faith in zcash as a whole that I will eventually have decent ROI, EVEN AT cloud mining efficiency levels. Heck, if it stayed at yesterday’s prices I would have reached ROI in three months.
Cloud mining allows me to get a headstart with reliable uptime to at least gather SOME zcash while I attempt to allocate more resources to a mining system of my own. I intend to get 80% personal H/S and 20% through cloud mining.
Again, I’m not a paid shill. But hey, if GM wants to donate to me they’re welcome to message me.
To @Genesis-Mining:
My “pending balance” is zero. My payouts page says “no payouts so far”. My associated poloniex wallet adress is empty as well. Despite this, you have now closed my ticket (#73698) to which you responded only with your canned response (“Please realize that the Zcash technology is currently in development…”), which is competely irrelevant to my problem.
This is really splendid way to run your operations. I hope you are really proud of your business practices and your skillful support team.
To other readers:
Please, think twice before inwesting your money in the Genesis Mining offer. I am aware, that they have satisfied customers, too. But If you encounter any problems on their side (like me), then expect to be stranded and left without help (because their support apparently does not really do anything).
@Genesis-Mining Please process my ticket #72526 to refund under the law as soon as possible. Your staff will not support me on your official support platform at all. It’s illegal.
Let’s start by saying that we take all tickets very seriously. Zcash issues are currently somewhat of a separate matter as the technology and it’s implementation into our systems is new, so there are not always quick solutions for the issues that pop up. We do have the best customer service support in this line of business and most tickets are answered and even resolved very quickly, sometimes within minutes even. Sadly we are not perfect though. For some things more time and effort is needed to reach a resolution, especially considering any changes we implement could affect a very large number of customers. But we can assure you that we are working hard for you, especially on the zero balance for some.
We also like to announce that with regards to Zcash payments, we have implemented a minimum payout amount of ZEC 0.00005. As always you can check payments on the PAYOUTS page. In case the minimum was not reached it will show you there. There’s also more info under the (i)nfo icon of a transaction if you hover your mouse over it.
In case the minimum is not reached, then the mined coins will remain in balance until next day or until at a later date enough mining returns have been accumulated for payout again. This is automatic and requires no further action, payment will be processed at the next paycycle. As always, payout occurs before midnight in UTC time
@Genesis-Mining It’s not true, you keep ignoring my ticket #72526 and you will not refund. It’s completely illegal. If you will not refund my money in full in this week. I’ll report this issue to the governments and the media, and take a legal action under the law.