Hello everyone, I’m new to mining, and I have just bought one 1080 Ti, and started mining in pool (minergate.com), and fired up the nheqminer.exe miner using CUDA (could somone explain what is that for me?) and I only get 480-500 Sol, but some people say I should get like +250 more. In OpenCl mode it doesnt even start mining (says 0 Sol) I’m using all Stock settings for the card, installed the Windows 10 creators update, and i have the latest Nvidia drivers (385.28) and I have an 750 W corsair PSU so the power doesnt seem to be the problem. And i can also mine ether on a stable 32 Mhs using ethminer. So how could i get more hashrate?
A couple of suggestions:
I wouldn’t use Minergate. There’s alleged skimming. Whether it’s true or not I couldn’t tell you, but it’s enough to keep me away.
EWBF’s CUDA miner will give you the best Sol/s. With a 1080 Ti and some tweaking you would be getting 700+ Sol/s.
What is alleged skimming? Sorry, English is not my main language.
Thanks, I started mining on this program, and I get around ~710 Sol.
What kind of tweaks do you use, should I overclock or set the config file?