How can i get zcash once it launches?

Any exchanges lined up ro offer the coin upon launch?

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The supply of coins is likely to be too restricted for the average exchange to add Zcash at launch or even that soon after. However there will probably be some trade offered via this forum. Watch out for if / when Zcash gets integrated into the Jaxx wallet as then it will be more likely to find a trusted escrow provider to assist.

How would trading here work, though?

I have 1 btc - make me an offer.

Zerocash is new protocol so exchanges probably need more time to integrate it. My only concern is that JoinSplit transactions need intensive computing power which is not possible for exchanges requiring to send high amount of transaction. They’ll end up using transparent tx and this could undermine anonymity of whole network.

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How do transparent transactions undermine the anonymity of protected transactions?

So youre saying the anonymity of zcash requires too much computing power, which would make trading it on exchanges difficult? Sorry, trying to understand it

Protected transactions require the generation of zero knowledge proofs, which are quite CPU intensive. Transparent transactions are no more intensive than Bitcoin transactions. So, expect exchanges to offer Zcash trades via transparent transactions but don’t hold your breath for them to do business via protected transactions.

Us IndiaMikeZulu guys are up for trades! I shall check this thread daily. (Sigh: have pulled the pin on Bitsquare.)


Wazzle, if your patient, and dig the idea of P2P, we’ll explain this. ‘IndiaMikeZulu’ has run five experimental exchanges in the last three years (but never with an anon coin! Lots for us to learn here.)


That kind of defeara the purpose, tho, it seems. Might stick with Monero for now

‘The supply of coins is likely to be too restricted for the average exchange to add Zcash at launch or even that soon after.’
Voluntary (above)

Morning, Wazzle. I based my reply on Voluntary’s insight. If anyone wants to puddle about with P2P trading, we’ll give it a go.