How to install a solver?

I’ve cloned this branch into a different directory and when I run it doesn’t seem to do anything. Does it have the path hardcoded as ~/zcash?

It is clone of official zcashd. So it is like building another zcash on your machine.

Yes it uses existing .zcash directory.

Awesome work @nicehashdev!

What’s the meaning of H/s vs the Sol/s number (first vs second)? On an i5 6400 I get 4.1/7.6.

PS: I think there’s an off by one calculation for the auto selection of number of threads. I can see that three threads are created when there should be four.

Hi Sarath,

I’m using stratum standalone and I’ve tried to integrated it with your tromp’s solver without any result, is there any guide? I’m a little noob…I’ve read / but for me it’s a little complicate and I don’t know from where I’ve to start.
Thanks in advance.


sudo apt-get install
build-essential pkg-config libc6-dev m4 g+±multilib
autoconf libtool ncurses-dev unzip git python
zlib1g-dev wget bsdmainutils automake

git clone GitHub - sarath-hotspot/zcash: zcash zminer

cd zminer/

git checkout standalone-miner

./zcutil/ -j$(nproc)

then chose the pool and follow their connection instruction

may some more pool I miss

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Just some info regarding standalone miner by str4d. There are several stratum-related bugs inside. Miner would at several occasions submit shares above target. Also there is issue if pool connection is lost and regained. We fixed all these issues in GitHub - nicehash/nheqminer: Equihash miner for NiceHash In our opinion extra validation of solutions is not needed either.

@iCimo Thanks for creating list of steps.

I added wiki with these steps.

can you open a bug/pull request on str4d standalone mining? should be community useful … tks

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Thanks for the wiki. Do i need to do the below steps before compiling? If so, would below be performed after checkout step?

How to enable tromp equihash solver:
In miner.cpp uncomment following line(35th line).

Yes. For now in custom build we need to modify code.

thx for responding.

I find that after issuing out “git checkout standalone-miner” the miner.cpp gets changed and i do not see the “// #define USE_TROMP_EQUIHASH” line any longer to uncomment that.

Not sure how to proceed next. Is that checkout step necessary before compiling? Apologies - 1st timer and not very git savvy here.

Is this a CPU miner or GPU miner or both?

Hi ICImo,

thanks a lot, I’m mining on How can I understand if I’m running sarath-hotspot?

Hi staicla if you run sarath github probably you run sarath custom standalone miner :slight_smile:

any way the simplest way is evaluate from results … in this moment report 143 H/s, when the pool find a block you will get a share of block reward (% your H/s / 143H/s) if you run 1 CPU tread you should receive more o less 2Hs/143Hs … (not shure to remember) if you get mach less you are running the standard solver


I see from dash board I’m running sarath, many solution accepted in a few minutes.

Thanks a lot to you and Sarath. It’s nice to play in this community.

Since I use sarath/tromp I can find many solution as in the under lines here attached

Solution found; Submitting to
Running TrompEquihash solver with nNonceInBlock=0000000000000000000000000000004314010000000000000000000000000000
B-) Submitted and accepted.

As per stratum, I think it means I’ve found a solution share, is it? I’m confused because I’ve found many solutions but according to the website none of them seem to be linked to a round. For example 20 solution found, no rounds on zmine, how is possible, have I a malfunction in my zminer?
Thanks in advance for any answer.

Hello sarath-hotspot!,
Thank you very much by the really good integration of the zcash miner.

Also thank you a lot by the created wiki:

It is very useful.