How to learn English?

Many people, who are not native-English speakers, have told me that they learned English from watching television shows. Especially, Friends :joy:

Music can also be a good teacher. For me, personally, lyrics are often too abstract to help when learning a new language.

Some people, who have been joining and listening to the Zcash Global community calls, have said that this has been helpful for them to learn English.

At the Zk Av Club Weekly Workshop, in Zcash Global Discord, we are hacking on live text translation for community calls and livestreams. Join us there and we can help you with this, so you can have subtitles in whichever language is most helpful to you.

@robmarn and @vito are especially thriving with this project,
started by @Autotunafish :tada:

My final piece of advice is, speak as much and as often as possible. Most of the apps fail at this part. Which is why a classroom environment is ultimately the best place to start.

I hope this helps. Good luck!