Yes, the $5 wrench attack!
Does Keystone support a passphrase / 25th word with Zcash?
Yes, the $5 wrench attack!
Does Keystone support a passphrase / 25th word with Zcash?
Keystone supports this, but for some reason not for Zcash. Zcash just disappears from the coin list as soon as I add the 25th word. But they heard us:
Oops, I forgot that Twitter no longer shows the owners of the likes, but they did put a like on my post below, so they read it.
having issues moving zcash from my keystone. After i sign a tx with keystone, I try to send coins and zashi is just stuck on the sending screen for hours. I have tried multiple phones. Same issue and I am unable to move coins.
I have two keystones and tried it with both on two separate phones. Both accounts now have coins stuck in them and i am unable to send coins.
What platform (iOS or Android)? There have been bugs on iOS in the past where an error occurred in a race with the sending animation loading, and then the animation never unloads. The known bugs have been fixed, but I have encountered this at least once on an iPhone 6s (along with some other bugs that seem to be specific to being on a now-antique version of iOS).
running iOS on latest iphone pro max (16) iOS 18.2.1
i just updated my firmware for keystone, double checked if Zashi was updated too. All good and still getting the same issue.
I’ve just created a video, guess I doxxed some of my addresses a bit but hopefully this helps solving the issue incase others are experiencing the same…
Trying that now and still not working, will keep trying other servers.
update: tried around 5 different servers, no luck.
update: kept trying and it finally worked!!!
moving YouTube video to private.
Thank you for the help!
My friend was also having the same issue just now and called me… I walked him through what I did and he was still unable to send it after switching servers. I told him it didnt work for me the first time and to keep trying but he was in a rush so he ended up downloading Ywallet and importing his hardware seed there. He was able to send his coins out on the first try.
I am not sure why ywallet worked and zashi did not… this must be a Zashi issue more than anything.