MegaThread: Zcash Project Catalysts

Hello World,
I’m going to build a spreadsheet with as much communities input as possible here. The plan is to get together a basic catalysts tracking spreadsheet for ZEC investors. So please help me get started in the comments. Catalysts can be pretty much anything you can imagine… can be media projects, new wallets, protocol upgrades, you name it.

I’m going to take inputs from here and maintain em in this viewable google doc.


my biggest future catalyst is when the smoothening happens cause thats gonna cut the new supply inflation rate even lower which is one of our best chances to create a more valuable ZEC.

other huge catalyst that i dont see people talking about is that in just another couple years both of the Foundation & ECC are finally going to run out of their massive stashes of freebie ZEC that they dump so hard.

once the supply of ZEC is truly just in the hands of people who worked to earn them… its gonna cause a massive shift in how the market balances out. Most of Zookos (sarcasm) old buddies are running out of their freebies too… big exception being that person who he made the emergency coin voting system change for, that persons sitting on a huge bag of 300K coins hopefully those get sold off into the hands of real Zcash believers.

Price is the only catalyst i think thats got a shot to save the project. Weve seen how this technology focused strategy worked out… it didnt…

On the exchange side of it

  • removing Binance Warning label
  • Maya DEX
  • Coinbase 50 portfolio growth
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