Miner- Claymore's Zcash Miner

Use ref bios, thats your overclocks and custom bios
/straps causing the issues

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It seems to be fine now.

I run 2 rigs and use stock bios for Rx 470 4gb (1225 core, 1750 mem), and 1625 straps for 480 8gb(1225 core, 2060 mem)

200 Sol/s on an RX480 with v8.

Claymore is the man! Really impressed with how much he’s pulled ahead of all the other devs, including @Optiminer. I was one of the people who questioned Claymore’s ZEC miner in the beginning, and now I’m eating my words for sure. Apologies to him, he certainly deserves his dev fee.

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news about linux version?

Just for reference I was using -i 3 on my speeds above.

There’s also -i 5 and -i 6 now that are faster

My Rig keeps rebooting ever 15-20 min with v8 (-i 4) any one else had this issue??

Luckily I have set Windows to Login automatically and put my .bat file in the start up items so its not causing much loss in terms of mining but need to fix this issue.

Not sure if its driver or power related.

Check Event Viewer. What PSU are you using and how many/what GPUs ?

I’m seeing 194-197 Sol/s on my stock XFX RX 480s

that’s roughly what Im getting on -i 4

850W PSU (Corsair)
3x XFX RX480 8GB
i7 3.4GHz
SSD for OS
HDD for Data

Kill-a-watt plug shows a read out of 460w so I don’t think its power.

1 GPU into Motherboard (Dell OEM)
2 GPU into PCI USB 3 Risers 1x to 16x

Running a custom ROM (Boysie ETH 31.5MHz ROM)

Maybe that is too much along with Claymore’s -i 4

Will flash back to Stock and Install newest AMD driver this evening.

Sounds like it’s the ROM … Stock is fine IMHO speed wise.

Do you see any improvement in speeds on -i 5 or 6?

I have a similar issue. Two of my cards flake out every now and then. They stop responding and I have the miner perform a reboot of the machine. I haven’t figured it out yet. I’m thinking its may just be the cards. Some risers seem more stable than others but in the end it always seems to by my #1 and #2 gpus. Rarely the whole machine will lockup and need a hard reset. I might return them if I still can next time I go to Microcenter.

Yes but the small 1% improvement over stability though isn’t worth it.

I’m going to stick with -i 4 as well.

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I am using exactly the same batch file that I was using to mine with the previous version but it doesn’t connect to the pool (flypool)…any idea?

Clamore v8 2x nanos doing me proud :slight_smile:
Hats off to you claymore…

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use this

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Thanks a lot, is working now! So flypool doesn’t support the dev fee? I didn’t know that

The dev actually takes miner for 90 seconds every hour i think so you mine for him automatically… its all in the program… glad i could help im still learning too :slight_smile:

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