Looks more like Bios and/or OC issue. You have a switch fro Overclocking . Try Off. If still reject. find a stock bios for your card then flash it . VGA Bios Collection | TechPowerUp . Carefull
Good Luck.
The card is over locked from saffire 1342 I think… What switch are you referring to. The dip switch?
It tries to run at 260s hash rate on very 9. And rejected shares even when using low intensity at 1 - li 0. Could it be something with my mb? Runs at 200 sol/s on very 8 no rejected shares.
I got a dumb question. If you machine has 32GB of ram do you need to set additional Virtual Memory? I can see setting it on a machine that has 4GB and even 8GB but there is enough physical RAM that you shouldn’t need virtual RAM.
Just waiting for my watt meter then will let you know
Virtual Memory is disk space not RAM
“Virtual memory is a feature of an operating system (OS) that allows a computer to compensate for shortages of physical memory by temporarily transferring pages of data from random access memory (RAM) to disk storage.”
a.k.a Pagefile
So the answer to the question would be no. If you have 32GB of physical memory you wouldn’t need to set “virtual memory” a.k.a Pagefile, since the miner suggests 16GB for multiple cards. I run 2 cards currently and have 32GB of ram on that machine.
No you need to set it anyway (16GB+). Even if you have 128GB RAM.
Hello, I have a z97x motherboard, 8 gb or ram with 5 r9 nanos with one 1200 w psu and one 1000w psu. Virtual memory is set at 30 gb. Drivers are 15.12 as recommended .Im on windows 10. Claymore starts up, detects the graphics cards and then terminates with no explanation. Any Ideas?
use the newest Nano drivers I think Nanos dont work with the old drivers
should be 16.11.3 or somewhere there abouts
Yes, you have to use newer drivers.
That did it. Thanks.
Hello, After I start claymore, It will run for a little while after accepting a few shares, then the computer will freeze and become unresponsive and I have to power cycle it. I have a z97x motherboard, 8 gb or ram with 5 r9 nanos with one 1200 w psu and one 1000w psu. Virtual memory is set at 30 gb. Drivers are the latest .Im on windows 10. Any Ideas?
Possibly a bad riser?
How well did it run previously? Also agreed on the risers… check their quality ?
What changes have occurred since last time it worked
don’t use these at all
For Fury or Nano, seems to help
zecminer in the start file works better for me
Has anyone tried the new AMD ReLive driver?
Driver Crimson ReLive Edition 16.12.1
yes there is a switch called v bios https://goo.gl/images/FjEIhN if you switch it from the default position will be stock , no overclock. u may switch back .
When I switch the bios dip switch to no oc it just slows down to 240 ish but same rejected share problem. Running version 8 at 200-201 sols with no rejected shares.
Hello, After I start claymore, It will run for a little while after accepting a few shares, then the computer will freeze and become unresponsive and I have to power cycle it. I have a z97x motherboard, 8 gb or ram with 5 r9 nanos with one 1200 w psu and one 1000w psu. Virtual memory is set at 30 gb. Drivers are the latest .Im on windows 10. Any Ideas?