Miner- Claymore's Zcash Miner

Okay thanks, ill try that.

I have 3x290x and 2x290… one of 290x started showing 40-50sols, other 2 280.

Where should be problem :S?

yy 8% perf on 380x …

While running claymore, I get the error message: WATCHDOG: GPU 2 hangs in copenCL call,exit 4 times, then says Restarting OK, exit… and then the whole computer freezes and I have to powercycle it. I have a z97x gaming 3 mobo, 8 gigs of ram, virtual memory set at 30 gb. 5 r9 nanos. No environmental variables Any Ideas?

Ok, I managed to solve issue with uninstalling problematic device (in device manager) and scan for hardware than, to get installed again.
Hash rate is now ok.
But after I reboot, hash rate drops again.

I reboot because rig freeze.

I really don’t know what to do :O.

check in bios pci-e set to gen 1 or gen 2 . On auto set may create troubles.

set back oc, then reduce intensity. I ve got few rejects too, about 4 to 1000 , there are few reasons , but on this low rate reject I prefer to not touch. reasons for rejects found by me : risers quality, pci-e power supply cables , high gpu temperature. .

20 Sol/s more on new AMD drivers!!!

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and respective more power draw :stuck_out_tongue:

new crimson gave 20 sol each more ?!?!?!? :open_mouth:

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new drivers and no change at all

Furys are faster by 15-20 Sol/s let me test RX480 later today

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rx 480 no change but the rejected shares got better

Did you install ReLive or only drivers?

In my case R9 380x and R9 290x the sol/s decrease from 160 → 155 sol/s and 255 → 248 sol/s with the newest driver

I have a peculiar issue. Running claymore v9 and intensity 6, I have 3 XFX RX480 cards in one of my rigs where I have to run two of my cards with lower gpu clocks because when I have them running at the stock clocks the gpu temps rise to about 79c. Even if I run two cards at stock clocks, the card with the lower clocks heats up to 79c while the other cards are around 68-69c.

Has anyone run into this problem before.

How have you connected your PSUs?
When I have a gpu problem I manged to get them running after several attempts.

Is the with relive drivers?

Yes sir it is (20 char)

Use a custom fan profile…

Running your cards at 79 c is perfectly fine,if you are concerned raise your fan speeds but your current temps are not a problem