basically whatever GPUz is showing + ~50w for the PCB for a quick calculation
Memory strap 1375 and some more core clock. (just 5%)
yeah probably about that
i just use a wall meter to check total though
ETH pulls 200W more on 7 GPUs than ZEC
you copied your 1375 strap value to the 2000 strap?!?!?!
Pretty tight timings I know, but the cards have been mining with those settings for several hours without hickups on Claymore. have to check hashrate later this day.
iwth ynix memory?
when i tried to copy lower timings with samsungs claymore used to tell me in ETH that I overclocked too much and was getting invalid shares
whats the hashrate percard?
with regular timing upstrap I get about 115-120 H/s
Yes Hynix memory. (Those twenty characters)
damn, so what are the speeds like?
you get all valid shares?
what about memory errors? do you get a ton of memory errors with your cards? (not sure how to check that you will have to search and find out, but may be important for life expectancy of the cards, im not sure)
does 1375 give you much better results than just 1500?
I will have to check later today. Sitting at work right now and my VNC blooped up.
But the speeds where almost even with Optiminer.
Did not test with 1500 on the new claymore, but yes I guess there is a small improvement. But memory errors is a good point. I have to check that!
speeds should be about even if your using the same bios straps in both miners no?
or did you change the straps when trying claymore?
maybe the rig crashed
Nope still getting a ping from the rig.
almost mined my first 0.1 ZClassic
I donโt get VNC, but I can watch the Suprnova stats. See Rig1.
The Hashrate does not drop below 400. And that is on 3x RX470 with +5% clock speed and 1375 memory strap.
Easy to get 190+ with a few bios changes on a Fury(Air) using Claymores 5.0
Care to share those bios changes?
Here are some of my VBIOS
- The straps are just edited memory timings. So 1375strap is the memory timing from 1375MHz copied to all higher speeds. Same for each other timing strap.
- The FAN versions have a modified fan setting for better cooling (but higher noise). Max fanspeed is reachted at 75C instead of 85C.
- Original VBIOS is also there
- And a OC version of the 1375 strap model.
Higher power limits and TDP+TDA, higher clocks and higher power for the memory, as well as tuned fan speeds.
Keep in mind that you can blow your cards with those VBIOS.
I am not responsible for any damage that may occurr when using those VBIOS.
The OC version also may cause memory errors which will decrease lifespan of the chips. Use with caution and some Tabasco!
the memory straps and memory clock are not that important with Zcash than with ETH.
Core clock does more.
Tweaking the memory have me a nice hashpower boos for zcash aswell.
How to activate extranonce?