Moderation feedback

FYI, Samaraanni’s post was auto-flagged by the system as Spam.


Hey @Dodger could you please back off from my posts? I understand you do not want to communicate, fine; live you life in a way where I can also ignore you.

I have created a thread called “Keystone Wallet questions” in order not to clutter their grant application. You have merged my thread into the grant application one. Now look at it. Feeling like you have done a good job at moderating? Let me help you: you didn’t.

Now I am going to create it again and you stay clear unless you can cite some rules I’m breaking. Thank you.

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Do not interact with @rep they are a scammer.

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Looks like it’s time to add “Live Chat” to the auto-flagged words list. Maybe “Live Support” and “Live Agent” too.


My post keeps being hidden while the one of @skyl is not?

Listen, I don’t mind the words of @skyl. Things get a bit passionate sometimes, good! But by censoring me and not him/her, you show blatant ugly freaking bias. But don’t censor him/her please. I have an idea though: grow a thicker skin, stop being so fragile, and stay the f# from my posts if you don’t like them.

And moderators: why do you let this happen? Doing nothing while being in power makes you complicit.

Your post has been hidden because it was flagged by multiple community members.

It is deeply inappropriate and a clear breach of the Code of Conduct to suggest that another community member has cognitive issues.

You may edit your post to remove that part and leave the rest intact. If you re-post the offending section again, you will be suspended.

From the Code of Conduct:

Forum members should strive to be kind, respectful, and interesting. Ideally, your presence in the community should improve the experience for everyone.

You were previously warned (in January) because your forum activity fell short of the standards set forth in the Code of Conduct.

You are welcome to voice opinions about Zcash governance, and to criticise leaders like myself if you believe that we are not doing the best thing for Zcash.

However, you must not engage in personal attacks on other community members.

If you continue to do so, you will be suspended.

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Hey @Dodger, explain to me how I get more freedom of expression rights in the US or even in Europe, and less in a project that is supposed to be about freedom?

Also now everybody can see your blatant bias from the screenshot above. You suppress me but not @skyl that is insulting me of being a “troll with some obsessive compulsion”. But again, I don’t mind his/her words, he/she is free to believe what he/she wants.

I will admit that I know there is room for improvement regarding my communication, but I don’t know that I will change it for you. If I must get banned so be it. And sure, keep pretending you are listening to the community, the one that you carefully prune with full on bias.

@aquietinvestor (cc: @zooko) I really wish there would be an alternative place to discuss with fellow ecosystem participants. Not sure if you folks intend to start something on this matter, but it’d be swell.

So because you can’t be civil and respectful to others, you want someone else to start a new forum where you can do that?

And this is one of the reasons why people walk away from Zcash. There’s a lot more to freedom than just doing whatever you want.

There are more than enough cases in Zcash history where people weren’t allowed to share their views in a public forum that related directly to technical direction. That’s completely different than what you did.

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Yes exactly, let’s be like the old Twitter full of biased censorship. So much better and everybody loved it that way. NOT.

You’re clearly missing the point. If you think that having posts where you personally attack someone else censored is biased and you can’t just have a civil discourse, then maybe this isn’t the forum for you.

I do not agree with many of the things Dodger, Zooko or Josh or any of the other Game of Zcash Thrones participants, but I don’t go and personally attack any of them. Attack their ideas? Yes. Attack their positions on the tech or direction? Yes. But that’s where the line should be drawn.


You’re right on both counts.

  1. It is not right to personally attack people; attacking ideas is much better. With that being said, in my censored post (screenshot above), I have not done such thing. I questioned the potential of a mental trouble due to a question that was ridiculous. By definition it is not an attack, and the definition is what matters for rulings.

  2. I confirm: this forum is not for me. I dislike it. I stay because it’s the only sizeable one Zcash has currently.

I won’t cite names but (very) prominent people in the Zcash ecosystem have also expressed that there is a problem with the censorship on this forum. But sure, point the finger at me and not at the person doing the biased censhorship. :sheep:

Ok. I apologize to anyone I have offended through crossing that line. I will try to improve on that front. Thank you to those that have tried to convinced me of the importance of that, publicly and privately.

I gotta tell you folks that, in case you have not noticed it, I feel very frustrated by the lack of voices supporting the right of ZEC holders to manage the dev fund they have generously financed. The dev fund only had financial worth thanks to us that have actually held ZEC through those tumultuous years. I got upset because you guys say that I am disrespectful, while I see you being disrespectful to us ZEC holders without any consequences. That’s not an excuse for being disrespectful myself, I just want you all to understand the asymmetry here.

I’ll try to not cross that line going forward and be more respectful.

cc: @Dodger @skyl


Looks like Nassim Nicholas Taleb would get banned from here eventually.

Just kidding. If someone famous like him would participate on this forum, you’d accept the slight colorful speech without a blink. You know it @Dodger don’t you. If you all don’t see a problem with the moderation in here, I am truly sorry for you. Particularly sorry for @joshs with all the nice words about free speech, criticizing countries for not respecting it and… not saying a word in the defense of it in his own community public square.

It doesn’t matter if someone is “famous” or not, the rules are the rules, they apply to devs from ZF/ECC, independent contractors, miners, Zec holders, etc… everyone agreed to the rules when they chose to create an account here.

Users can choose to abide by them or not but if they choose not to they shouldn’t be surprised when a moderator calls them out for it.


So we’d kick out Nassim Nicholas Taleb and miss out of the wealth of great input he could provide, all that for having a slightly colorful speech?

No, I do not believe you would kick him out. That’s because when you would consider doing that, you would realize that your interpretation of a post being inappropriate is too strict and not worth defending for the high cost of not having some good people in here.

We really, really, should question more how we look from the outside. I don’t think the uptight moderation is worth defending. The rules are good, the interpretation and enforcement is not.

The forum is literally empty, outside of people receiving money from the dev fund. At what point do we accept some things we are doing, we are not doing them well. Is it pride, ego, groupthink? Sigh.

Did you get permanently banned for not following the CoC? You are still here posting from what I can see.

So the issue is not will the rules themselves it’s that you don’t like being reminded that you are breaking them with a warning and asked to change your post as Dodger did above?

Rules without some sort of action to enforce them aren’t rules at all. Overall I would say the policy’s here are pretty lenient compared to what happens over on places like Telegram or Reddit. They are much less “please stop doing that” and more straight to the ban hammer.

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You’re missing the point here. @Dodger was very clear I would get suspended if I would keep the same language.

As mentioned, the issue is not the rules but the overly strict enforcement, or more accurately, application, of those.

Right, that’s why I used the word “interpretation” of the rules. Judgements (the process of) are rarely binary, like software development. Intent is important. Interpretation is important. Etc.

Fact is, would you kick NNT or anyone else of his prominence for having the same colored language as me? I maintain that you wouldn’t.

And we’re back to square one: as a ZEC holder, regardless of my holdings, my voice means very little. I was told here that I should prove publicly that I have 100k+ ZEC to have more of a voice. And nobody but me pushed back of this ridiculousness (post censored by moderators). We have quite a few issues in here and they are not technical, yet all the attention is focused on technical matters.

“When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”

You mean the same language that you later said:

It seems to me that you posted something that could be viewed as a personal attack, which is against the CoC that states:

Examples of unacceptable behavior include:

Personal attacks.
Trolling and insulting or derogatory comments.

Then after being called out for the error you apologized to Skyl so all was good.

Seemed like everyone had moved on.

Yet you are now posting that you have incurred some sort of injustice by Dodger for not unflagging your post, which you’ve not changed, after you already admitted it was wrong and apologized for it?

Hypothetical situations stemming from hypothetical people making hypothetical statements cannot be proven or disproven until the actual event occurs.

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Sorry but are we going in a loop here?

I have just explained to you the problem. I can’t say someone is an idiot here. This just shows some people in here are very fragile, particularly moderators evidently. It’s simple really. Essentially this moderation shows no distinction between simply colorful messages and the ignomous attacks we have seen against @daira. It shows a lack of intelligence to be honest.

Anyway, we can just look at the participation in here. How many years has this forum been running? How many years has Ethereum Magicians been running? How many years has Polkadot forum & governance discussions been running. Have you been to all those places? Do you maybe see an outlier? Let me help: the outlier is right here. We have very little activity aside from developers posting updates and a cheerleading CEO.

I want to see people from all walks of life expressing themselves.

Try to separate the two, would you? Like I said, I was told publicly and privately that it would be wise to change my discourse. I thought about it and I agreed for various reasons, and I apologized as well for good measure. Yet, I don’t mind people addressing me that way and I don’t want our overlords in here to keep interfering in what is just heated discourse. I have not edited the message because it shows the problem going on in here, and I want that. It may not matter now, but eventually I believe it will.

So: two, distinct, things. a. I do want to improve my expression b. moderation in here is problematic.

Yes, he absolutely would if he said things here similar to the tweet of his that you quote.

On the subject of what happens to platforms that allow abusive speech, including ableism, see Free to speak. ECC Update - #13 by daira . For many of us that is an absolute red line: we will not participate in fora that allow abusive speech.

Yes we would, because I for one would kick up a huge fuss if we treated “celebrities” any differently wrt moderation policy.

Indeed you can’t. Deal with it. There are plenty of other ways to say that you disagree with what someone has said, or even that they persistently make flawed arguments.

Personally I find that it actually helps a lot to address the argument rather than the person. And tbh, it makes the very occasional cases where someone actually is just a raging asshole and you justifiably say so despite the risk of getting banned, all the more satisfying.