Hi everyone! I’m writing with an update about the status of the MFZ project.
In 2024, a multitude of Zcashers collaborted to create:
- MFZ workbook V1
- MFZ workbook V2 (draft)
- ZconV presentation
- Global Education Day
- Chapter 5 translations
- and a few Privacy Manifesto translations
We accomplished so much - together! And I think we had fun along the way as well. What a great year!
V1 of the workbook has enjoyed more than 1,000 downloads so far. Pretty cool!
V2 is being wrapped up into a tidy ZIP file at the moment, thanks to Mine. The original intention was to publish it on Amazon as a physical book, however we’re going to pause temporarily, for a few reasons.
First, the team as we’ve known it has disbanded. Today was the final MFZ weekly call for a while. For additional context, in 2024 the MFZ team and collaborators was composed of members of Zcash Brazil, Zcash en Español, ZKAV and other groups which have recently received ZCG grants. As expected, each group will now turn their focus to delivering milestones outlined in each of their proposals.
Also, there is a great deal of change happening across Zcash at this moment, which could be captured in a late-2025 edition of the text.
I have ideas for how the MFZ project could move forward in 2025 and I’ll be exploring those and providing updates here. Stay tuned and thank you for being part of this journey!