Nighthawk update for April 2022

Nighthawk Wallet team is continuing the design & development work on Android with Wallet Navigation & Transaction History screens completed. We kept up with the updated zcashd releases from ECC, and moved forward on improving our product suite.

Dev progress on Wallet & Transaction History screens:

Nighthawk Wallet updates:

  • Ship Nighthawk iOS v1.34 app update with ZcashLightClientKit v0.13.0 Beta-2
  • Review Zcash Android SDK v1.3.* to v1.4.* migration documentation.
  • Switch to PdfBox with Apache License 2.0 for exporting PDFs following community recommendation towards resolving issues around licensing and making the Android codebase compilable by end-users.
  • Release Nighthawk Android app updates with updated checkpoints and dependencies.
  • Conduct further Nighthawk Wallet internal testing around reorgs & error handling with lightwalletd v4.10.0
  • Discuss the generation of secrets and keys used in Oblivious Message Retrieval with @thomaslzy and suggest utilizing the wallet seed words to derive the secret key for ease of restoring wallets.
  • Address support requests from new users of Nighthawk Wallet.

  • NEWS: Nighthawk Wallet will be one of the first apps to integrate the new Flexa Spend SDK that seamlessly integrates with the user’s spending experience. We have decided to release the Spend SDK integration in the App Store & Play Store versions, while the F-droid version will not include third-party SDK integrations. The Flexa integration is highly anticipated since last year’s Gitcoin grants round!

Light Client Working Group:

Goal: Keep up to date with fixes for zcashd & lightwalletd to continue providing public infrastructure for light wallet-based Zcash applications.

  • Upgrade test-net services to zcashd v4.7.0 and main-net services to zcashd v4.6.0-2
  • Maintain 100% uptime via load-balanced main-net and single instance test-net services.
  • Continue maintaining the monthly warranty canary on 1
  • Plan to update the lightwalletd instance to v4.10.0 on test-net and then on to main-net after successful verification of existing APIs.

Goal: Provide a fast, lightweight, no-tracker/no-analytics Zcash transaction explorer.

  • Perform zcashd upgrades to v4.6.0-2 and v4.7.0
  • Perform major upgrades for Phoenix live dependency from v1.5.6 to v1.6.7
  • Update Phoenix live view from v0.15.4 to v0.17.9
  • Update HTML templates from EEx to HEEx format.
  • Perform minor UI fixes to improve end-user experience.
  • Verified all the existing features to be working with the latest v4.7.0
  • NOTE: The efforts to support Unified Addresses on Zcash Block Explorer is yet to be evaluated.

Zcash <> Thorchain Integration

Goal: Add Zcash to Thorchain to enable decentralized ZEC trading and LP incentives.

  • Finalize the UTXO libs used to adopt inside Zcash xchainjs wallet framework.
  • Push changes to open PRs on Gitlab.
  • BiFrost:
    • Finished Broadcast & Fetching transactions and related client RPC test cases with JSON files for testnet fixtures.
    • Pending item before raising BiFrost PR:
      a) Test cases for Thorchain blockchain-related transactions with custom-generated data.

Thorchain deliverables are running behind schedule, we are looking forward to wrap up the last series of test cases and enter the Thorchain review, xchainjs wallet integration, and audit stage soon.

And that’s a wrap for the April update! Congrats to the @37L team on releasing the Zcash educational videos and unraveling the identity of John Dobbertin to be Edward Snowden today!


Nice :+1: Flexa is pretty cool