Nighthawk update for November 2022

This November, the Nighthawk team monitored increased usage of lightwalletd services and set plans to provision additional hardware and bandwidth to meet the increase in demand. We reported our plans and estimates to accommodate ZIP-317 fee mechanism changes on the Wallet Dev call. received updates to handle additional transaction types. Shout out to @BostonZcash to report the issue!

Nighthawk Wallet updates:

  • Keep up with changes upcoming in the light client SDKs for Android and iOS.
  • Start searching for native app developers to work on Nighthawk Wallet 2.0 in 2023
  • App Changelog is published at

Light Client Working Group:

Goal: Keep up-to-date versions for zcashd & lightwalletd to continue providing high availability public infrastructure for light-wallet based Zcash applications.

  • lightwalletd servers saw an increase in bandwidth demands from 15Mbit/s to 35Mbit/s in November.
  • Maintain 100% uptime via load-balanced main-net and single instance test-net services
  • Continue maintaining the monthly warranty canary on

Goal: Provide a fast, lightweight, Tor-enabled, no-tracker/no-analytics/no-logging Zcash transaction explorer.

(On Hold) Zcash <> Thorchain Integration

Goal: Add Zcash to Thorchain to enable decentralized ZEC trading and LP incentives.

The Zcash implementation is currently on hold following upcoming conventional transaction fee-related changes and optimizations for zcashd core node software. We have kept the DevOps portion of the PR updated to keep up with changes from the Thorchain repository. As for the Zcash-specific Thorchain work, the following items are pending:

a) Work on bridging ancillary Python code for integration tests.
b) Executing smoke test suite on updated test-net infra with zcashd v5.3.0+ (last 2 tests remain)
c) Finish xchain.js wallet APIs for Zcash to support upcoming changes in conventional fee structure.