I am doing anonymous mining at zec.suprnova.cc – or at least I think I am.
I am using the ewbf-zcash miner in ethOS. When I go check my balance I can see that I have mined 0.05 Zcash. I read somewhere that I should have gotten a payout when I reached 0.01 Zcash but I didn’t.
Before I mined with ethOS, I was mining with Windows using a different miner and I was using my suprnova accout. I had my auto payout at 0.1 and it worked.
I then read that I should not use my wallet address to mine annonymously and at the same time use it on my suprnova account so I changed the wallet address on my suprnova account to an exchange wallet to see if that would kickstart the payout but it didn’t. Anyone knows what I am doing wrong?
Thank you for any ideas.