Hello Guys I am mining with: genoil-zec-miner-0.4.2 and I have this problems:
The config I use is : genoil.exe --con eu1-zcash.flypool.org:3333 -u My Address.rig1 -p test1 -p 0 -g 0 1 2 3
1: Sometimes is not detecting all cards
2. After detecting cards 3 or 4 is mining like 10-15 mins and crashing or just dropping to 0
3. Sometimes is starting but getting the cpu at 100%
How to fix that? Thanks in advanced and sorry for my english.
i’m using 1 bat per gpu and auto restart after 30 min. is more stable for me , if have crash the bat will restart genoil miner after 30 min auto. Edit Version 0.5 here
bat one . -g 0
bat two -g 1
@echo off
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Simple script to restart your miner software after a period of time
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------
set executable=genoil1.exe
set commandline= -c equihash.usa.nicehash.com:3357 -u BTC ADRESS -p x -P 1 -g CHANGE to 0 or 1 etc for card used
set runforseconds=1800
set restartinseconds=2
set /a counter=0
timeout 2
start “genoil” %executable% %commandline%
echo The software will run for %runforseconds% seconds
timeout %runforseconds%
taskkill /f /im %executable%
echo Restarting the software in %restartinseconds% seconds (%counter%)
timeout %restartinseconds%
set /a counter+=1
goto start