Hi All,
I am making some fresh analogue backups of my digital keys (aka paper wallets).
I run an up-to-date zcashd full node. I find my funded addresses like this:
zcash-cli listunspent | jq ‘. | .address’
zcash-cli z_listunspent | jq ‘. | .address’
and I use these commands to get private keys:
zcash-cli dumpprivkey “t-addr”
zcash-cli z_exportkey “z-addr”
But I have an old sprout z-addr, and I notice that the private key is shorter than the z-addr. This does not seem correct to me. Anyone know what the story is?
I think I read that sprout addresses are deprecated, and the z-addr in question only has less than a milli-zec on it, but I’d still like to know what the story is.
All the best,