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If you have access to the seed or private keys, then you can recover your funds by importing into another wallet.

So Iā€™m not allowed to express my opinion on Zcash in here, and my comment was flaggedā€¦?

Wow, a forum about a privacy coin that censors criticism. How ironic! I should screenshot this and post in the Monero forum smhā€¦ but Iā€™m not that petty.

who flagged? :unamused:

Have no clue who flagged lol but Iā€™ll just shut up I guessā€¦

Anyway, donā€™t you think itā€™s a problem that most hardware wallets donā€™t support it? Most people donā€™t like hot wallets like Zashiā€¦

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How many days should I be active here so I can post a grant proposal, please?

Hello @Z-Ai Thanks for joining the forum. I have bumped your permissions so you can create new topics.

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Thank you so much!

A post was merged into an existing topic: Zashi - is the option "Buy ZEC with Coinbase Legit?

Hello! I have a private key from zcash4win wallet. How can I access the coins?

If its a sapling key, you can import it into Ywallet in the normal account creation screen. For a transparent key, you can use the sweep and key tool. Tools - YWallet