Hey guys, I moved some Zcash from binance to my T-Adress at my Zecwallet. But I can’t see the funds. Now I understand that there’s an issue with Zecwallet. I’m not the most techy guy but I never had the problem transfer funds between wallets and keep everything safe. I’m very nervous right now, can somebody help me please? Accounts - Zchain
Please help people I’m scared my funds are not safe
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Never mind guys it’s there boom!
No, I still have the problem. It was there I entred few times now it diseaperd again
Basically I saw the funds in my Zecwallet lite , whatever it says on the block explorer 18.8 something balance, but I entered to my Zecwallet lite again and now it shows again my old balance.I know the funds are safe just kinda bummer because it belongs to my mom lol 
I did rescen and then it showed now it doesn’t show lol, maybe it’s a bug and it will get fixed? I’m just so amateure I only know how to keep my keys safe and I transferred multiple times between wallets I just understood that after the Halo update all the hot wallets started to have problems with Zcash wallets
Still can’t see it
but didn’t rescan since than… If the wallets didn’t had such a problem the price would never dropped like this it’s kinda sucks that I can’t see my balance the coin is unusable for people who have no experience with computers…Move to ZcashHD, then move to 8K , then put this, and my coins are in T address and some in Z address and it shows me only the coins in my Z address … But again I didn’t rescen since august I just saw now that it’s the same after more than half year Im very frustrated should I rescan? Don’t wanna be disappointed again
The weird thing is that I saw them for a few minutes back then, it showed my full balance then it diseapred again
The scan will show the history as it proceeded in time so it will indicate the balance at that whatever block as it goes. The wallet must be fully sync’d in order to be able to see the current balance.
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Can someone please help me without me putting my seed phrase in some other websites I’m nervous idk what to do 
I’m lost in trying to do it with blockahin help desk but nothing helps I’m ruined
He not answering anymore please people I beg you I can’t understand why I see my balance on zec explorer why why nobody can help me everybody got helped and solved please
Idk what the heck blockchainhelpdesk dot sspopt dot com is but I sure don’t have high expectations for their tawk.to operators. Be careful out there.
Historical syncing is slow right now. Ywallet has an acceptable sync time, and it’s the only wallet that currently does. I hope that changes, but for now I’ve become a Ywallet user out of necessity. Ywallet has received a security audit. I think it’s the play.
That’s what the Zcash team sent me idk
Did they really? Beware of impersonators.
Idk what to do I just don’t know what to do I’m trying to rescen my Zecwallet it’s on 7.12% I just can’t see my T-Address balance I did see it back than for few minutes than diseaspred I don’t what to do idk why nobody helps me
Why zooko can’t help me please