Price Speculation

The best known Zec ASIC Miner 840K 2650W at .008 cents per KWh electric consumption lose money at 30.24 per coin.
They’ll probably help buying to keep the price up to at least 35 per coin.


This is your opportunity to buy at 30 dollars oer coin.
I think we will have a good Altcoin summer.
However, there could be a front-run by the Whales before March 18, price will pump.

This is false. I’ve previously stated that we have prioritized the sale other assets and protect our ZEC as much as possible. If you are going to make an assertion, check your facts. Not a good look.


This is the biggest opportunity to get into Altcoins at these prices.

However, there could be a front-run pump or dump before March 18 or May 6. But it will be most likely a pump, then it will be Alt season bull market.

Interest rates needs to be cut otherwise people can no longer afford to pay bills.

Every drop to the ground of the RSI (circled in red) it is preparing for a higher price.

The market makers been delaying everything the whole time, waiting for something to happen in the world to give them a reason to dump crypto. It was so obvious.

I would also like to briefly emphasize how important the price of zcash really is for the entire community, but also what has really been lost.

Just take a look at the views, whoever is in denial is beyond help.

All assets digital or not, are generally driven by US monetary policy.
If life becomes hard due to high interest rates, eventually, Fed will cut rates to ease the pain.
If that happens ( if they cut interest rates) Alt coins will gain value. But first theyll all need to be oversold as indicated by the Lowest level of RSI.
All markets are driven by that reality, the US government monetary policy.

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word prioritize… thats not really a quantitative word… so maybe its a priority to sell other stuff… but in reality 80-90% of the funds sold are still ZEC instead of the illiquid competitors… i have a priority to get healthier this year… thats different from actually doing it

maybe stuff is different but nobody knows based on ECC transparency reports which are 2 quarters delayed no surprise by the delays around here obviously

if youre telling us stuff thats not publicly available Josh, thanks! but frankly id rather have transparency reports available to give everyone the same evidence that the ZEC holdings are being treated differently now that the ship is sinking over here

again… lets just deal with transparency reports where everyone can look at the same facts instead of having to trust what the CEO wakes up and posts in the forum on a random Monday

Opened this thread
Everyone crying and moaning about price
Buys initiated
Couldn’t be easier

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10 am New York time reversal is reversal enough for me. I got some at 28 per coin. Im already in profits.

My trading style.

When I see a strong move to the downside (a long squeeze or short move), I keep buying in levels when it reaches the lowest RSI and the lower it goes the more I buy.
This is a betting strategy I’ve developed modeled from the Martingale system.

The Martingale system is a betting or investing strategy that involves doubling the size of a bet after each loss. The goal is to eventually win a bet large enough to recoup all previous losses and earn a profit.
The Martingale system was popular in 18th century France.
French mathematician Paul Pierre Levy introduced the Martingale system to probability theory in the 20th century.

Rationale why I trade this way:
Because when they “Short” the market, they sell first and a lot of it. But they are required to buy after.
And when they buy, or when they fill that requirement to buy, I buy along with them.
Call it a dead cat bounce, but it is a bounce never the less. This time, I made 18% in 1 day.

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ZEC/BTC -->0.0003289
1 BTC= 3000 ZEC.

First we lost the miners for poor choices.
Then we got the early funds recipients dumping for years. Then we lost the enthusiasts with broken wallets and poor UX, after that we created overcomplicated governance mechanisms and rent seekers positions (ZF, I am looking at you.).

Now that we are less than 500 people we have a working wallet and a nice hardware wallet. We probably lost 90% of the initial supporters. The price will sink even more leading to less resources. Welcome to a self-induced negative spiral.


Could you please explain what overcomplicated governance mechanism you mean? Currently (since NU6) the block rewards go to ZCG and the lockbox ( So far there is no decision about the distribution mechanism of these funds.

I agree.
The final analysis that we need to do is CEX Zec holders and market makers versus miners.
In other words, producers (miners) versus retailers (CEX Zec holders and market makers).

CEX and Zcash Whales accumulated under $22 per coin to 80% of current total supply which is 15,884,029.
The new supply from miners will be devalued.

The coin will need to drop under $25 per coin unless there is significant improvement or hardfork to change all status quo.

We will lose miners.

This is the visualization of Josh´s zBloc proposal, which is still being discussed and not implemented. I agree that such a system has the risk to bring in more complexity.

On the other hand it includes Coinholder which IMO are currently underrepresented. I am in favor of giving a voice/decision making power to the people with “skin in the game”. This would add utility to ZEC.

Nothing is set in stone yet, hopefully we will see additional proposals and opinions. What do you think, how should the block rewards be distributed?

There seems to be a direct correlation of US monetary policy particularly to interest rates ( circled in green) with Zec price and other cryptos.

The coin accumulation and possible hoarding of Whales and CEX market makers and coin retailers before the last Halving at less than $25 per coin has 95% influence to Zec price.
So, accepting this fact, Zec price will need to pull back to this ground for the rest of this cycle to be healthy for all investors until FED cuts interest rates.

We should stop the dev fund starting from november 2025


I agree. But there should be a coin burning mechanism first implimented.
After that, then TOTAL cut development fund FOR NOW and until FED monetary policy favors price action.

“Coin burn” in the sense of reducing the maximum quantity is absolutely the wrong way to go. If you all think that would increase the price, you’re wrong. If big whales want, they trade 5M coins for $5 instead of 21M on the market. By the way, there will still be enough zastoshis left per coin to trade low or dump the price.

Only one thing helps. You have to increase demand. More demand than selling pressure is the only thing that is economically beneficial.

But reducing something that is already low and then hoping that it will get better is pointless