Price up, what now for the orgs?

With the bull market in full swing and zec 3x off the lows, what does that mean for the org treasuries? Especially since the dev fund tap has been turned off for now and funds are accumulating in the lock box

How are ZF, ECC and ZCG planning to deal with this new found wealth and what is their monetary strategy?
Are they going to sell off or hedge a large portion of their crypto holdings to guarantee more financial runway?
Are they going to keep holding and ride the waves of the bull market?
Bit of both maybe?

There was some controversy stemming from the orgs investing in other crypto start ups and buying BTC and alt coins as a hedge, so personally I don’t want to see that happen further, but selling off some zec into this liquidity and securing cash money seems sensible.

FWIW my bet is the market price moves higher but you never know crypto can be fickle

Care to comment @Dodger @joshs @ZCG


These are great questions. I posted my views on treasury management and hedging strategy to my ZCG candidacy announcement. Let me know if you have any follow up questions.


Thanks for the response Jason,

That is what I expected

The silence from ECC and ZF on the matter probably means they don’t want to talk about their current holdings, when does the next transparency report come out?

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I’m happy to talk about it. I’ve just been crazy busy and forgot to respond. Apologies.

As of last week, we had about 4 years of runway at current spend levels. That dropped some over the last couple days. :wink: We continue to prioritize the sale of our liquid non-ZEC assets over any ZEC sales. We will also receive a portion of the Namada airdrop but won’t have a handle on what that means until the tokens are available for trade.

We need to increase our spending to add to the core team, a marketing person and have penciled in someone to lead security. We are also prioritizing aggressive delivery over long term preservation while trying to manage our funds responsibly.

Without guaranteed funding, we are exploring options and will spend some time on that in our Jan ZECC summit. We’re working to get our next transparency report out before the end of the month.


Thanks, that all sounds reasonable and I look forward to reading the report.

I ask these questions because in my view, over the next 12 months, the orgs have an opportunity to set themselves up to ride out future tough market conditions, and yes selling of non-ZEC assests is a priority over ZEC itself, the more ZEC that can be retained the better for when POS is finally realised.

There were some hard lessons learned over the last bear market and I personally don’t want to see the orgs ZEC reserves or the lockbox plundered during a bear market, its horrible tokenomics

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