I am from Ukraine and a lot of young people is using crypto.
Like in Russia we not trust to government that’s why people in post soviet countries trust to gold, other fiat currencies and crypto. We saw several times when our fiat money became to dust that’s why we use divercification as a base approach, so crypto is something important for us.
Zcash concept is good for us - no need to trust, complexity / impossibility of tracking. Not because we do something illegal, but because we can’t trust to government and other people. We say Money likes silence.
Government is trying to control you, for example FinMonitoring oblige to give personal data (ID info) for each who makes a transaction more ~1050$. And ZEC is something like a piece of freedom.
So basment of Zcash is good. But reputation of Zcash is poor.
First it is becasue to ASICs. Yes, it was wright desigion, but you need to accept that external communication was not good enough and many people still think that you got a finance benefits from Bitmain (were bribed) and they think it is betrayal.
Second - people don’t hear Zcash, it is very modest and silent. We can’t do this, we can’t do that…But it feels like it is not because you try to be cearful but because you really can’t. Doesn’t matter how your tech is good if people don’t know about it. Some great people died unrecognized I hope this is not your model.
Ask yourself why simple people (not giks) have to start talk about ZEC to each other? What association is first when someone will hear about ZEC and why?
DISCLAIMER: the following text can only be read by people with a strong psyche!
One of the most popular KPI in retail is loyalty index “NPS” with one main question - Would you recommend to your friend that product/service?
Now I personally can’t recommend. Imagine this conversation:
- Friend: I hear you own some ZEC, is it good investment for future?
- Me: No, price drops all the time, you can loose you wealth.
- Friend: Oh, clear, so probably it is Money, what I can buy for it?
- Me: There are a few unclear stores, let’s talk about it in few years.
- Friend: Ok, but Snowden said it is good privacy.
- Me: Yes, but you need to remember that there is tranparent and sheided addresess and if you send from one to another it will be traceble and you need to keep your coins on shielded adress before…
- Friend: Zzzzzzzz Oh, sorry I fell asleep. But they probably have a strong devotee community that support Zcash?
- Me: Unfortunately early miners and holders hate Zcash, ASIC miners not a lot, but we are waiting for new community, it will come…I belive…one day…
- Friend: But I know that in ECC the best team and they created Halo - new technology. What it means for Zcash.
- Me: Yes, they plan to share it with other projects and maybe it become a part of ZEC, who knows, ZF is not decided it yet. It is still on the paper.
- Friend: By the way about paper, do they have a clear plan of development? What can I expect from this project.
- Me: Oh yes it calls “All in on ZEC”. Here is it “Our nature is to push. To pull. To fight. And our path forward is clear: to double down on our mission — to empower everyone with economic freedom and opportunity — and to focus all our efforts on experimenting with, developing and evangelizing the Zcash cryptocurrency to that end.”
- Friend: Hmmm, ok, clear…thanks…
- Me: So would you like to buy?
- Friend: It was nice to hear you friend. See you next time, I will call you back tomorrow…