Radical “to the moon” thread

guess the silver lining here is the fact that one of the worst FUD attacks on zcash i’ve seen so far has only been able to erase $5-6 off our exchange rate.


did roger recently add “zcash” on his profile?
never noticed that before, nice!

well said, jeffery! i did know that, but wasn’t aware they’d be so dishonest about things. this weekend really opened my eyes to this phenomenon. these aren’t the actions of a confident group of people.

They’re all going off of the Decrypt article — which wasn’t incorrect but also wasn’t particularly detailed — without watching Daira’s talk or asking hir. It’s maddening, but the race for clicks races on.

Ironically, John Carvalho does come across as a moron (well… ignorant, to be a little kinder), given his aggressive misinterpretation.


1200$ in 2019 :slight_smile:

Is Facebook buying Zcash? I was secretly hoping they would use ZEC to show that they believe in privacy, but I should’ve known better.

Nobody buys zcash, just a joke.

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Horse shoe?

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And it’s still going, https://twitter.com/mineZcash/status/1143553557167333376?s=09



unbelievable! 20 cha

Works for me :slight_smile:

Once the muggles (non-magic-folk) figure out what L1 scaling of that magnitude means it’ll be a different story.


would be cool if an official zcash account RT’d this post

L1 scaling, and privacy by default!
very big deal, imo

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Its actually better than that, L1 scaling + L2 scaling (BOLT).

Still can’t find the youtube for Daira or Nathan’s presentations… anyone have links ?


No theyre still not up, I think theres 5 or 6 that haven’t been uploaded yet

And once again, this is the best prediction to MOON…


Oh yeah we know :wink:

Morning tea thoughts:

  • @revo5, just made a simple calculation using the $60,000 price in 2025 prediction and current circulating supply today. This would mean a market cap of 410B, double of current BTC’s market cap… and in 2025 about 3x BTC’s market cap… Good luck with this one.

  • meanwhile 0.00844253 BTC, seems Zcon didn’t work ot good for ZEC.

  • meanwhile ZEC on #25 by marketcap, with the release of Libra i guess we drop another place automaticly. @kek, as we are half time with our bet, seems it gets harder and harder to get into the Top 10. :wink:

  • The last 2 weeks i have a feeling that Binance might be “tuning” it’s volume numbers as well. Will be interesting to see if my suspection/feeling get’s picked up by some exchange monitoring services as well in some weeks.

  • From all the “to-be-released” and “currently-released” new projects which seems to be appealing to everybody?

your posts are being used as propaganda on twitter


back in the saddle again, oh yeah!