A centralized, privacy-invasive social media silo that bans Tor users irreconcilably conflicts with the goals for which Zcash was founded.
The above-quoted arguments could be re-applied, by analogy:
I urge all readers of this thread to take this as an opportunity for reflection: What brought you to Zcash? Are your reasons for embracing Zcash compatible with a surveillance-capitalist world of centralized social media silos?
The Bitcoin Forum was founded by a pseudonymous Tor user: “Satoshi Nakamoto.”
Although I have some criticisms of it, I appreciate its ongoing strong support for Tor—and its support for no-Javascript users. The old, heavily-patched SMF is clunky, but I much prefer it to Discourse. I usually avoid Discourse forums, which require Javascript (among other issues). I despise Discourse.
In 2019, the Bitcoin Forum’s administrator made an April Fools’ joke out of KYC.
I’ve been thinking that I should probably spend some of my time there discussing Zcash in the altcoins section.