Zfnd.org blocks Tor

P.S., @anon35140610, with apologies for the somewhat topic-drifting double-reply: I have a suggestion of something you may wish to discuss with the Tor people at Zcon3.

Famous is the fact that Bitcoin was created by a strongly pseudonymous developer, known only as “Satoshi Nakamoto”. Yet alas, obscure remains is the fact that Satoshi was a Tor user. I would not be surprised if the Tor people may be unaware of this; they would probably be thrilled to discuss it with Zcash people at a convention about the premier zero-knowledge privacy coin.

My source on this: In 2013, theymos, the Bitcoin Forum’s administrator, said that “he [Satoshi Nakamoto] always used Tor, as far as I [theymos] can tell.” That forum was founded by Satoshi in late 2009, originally at www.bitcoin.org/smf/ before various URL changes; Satoshi did most of his circa-2010-era public activity there. I presume that theymos must have IP access logs from the Satoshi era. Accordingly, I take theymos’ statement as authoritative primary-source historical information for documenting Satoshi as a Tor user.

I have frequently cited that theymos post to push back against people who want to ban Tor users from cryptocurrency sites: “So, you would ban Satoshi from cryptocurrency? :roll_eyes:

Similarly, I have frequently cited “Satoshi Nakamoto” as an incisive two-word argument rebutting those are against pseudonymous crypto-developers. It has been my standard argument for years. Sadly, it happened again right here on this forum only hours ago.

Please pass this along to the Tor people. For my part, I take it as additional evidence that Satoshi cherished the same values, and shared the same goals, as motivated the later work on Zerocoin for Bitcoin, which begat Zerocash, which begat Zcash.