I like to know how can get more stale shares-rejected shares on Flypool and a lot less if almost none on miningpoolhub?
Latency usually has a big factor
Both pools are in the US. Flypool is lower in latency. And Miningpoolhub is higher in latency. So that doesn’t make sense.
Most of the time - use the server closest to “your” farm/rig location.
Ping them to see which has the lowest average.
Windows example:
ping -n 50 -l 128 us1-zcash.flypool.org
Well I don’t use Windows for mining just gaming. I use Flypool for zcash. And Miningpoolhub for BTG. I did try zcash on it and it was high on latency. I just like Flypool for zcash not the amount of rejected shares that I get.
Maybe miningpoolhub is more dishonest about stale shares. They all cheat, they are all chinese