Is flypool down?

I can’t load any pages on My little miner is mining and getting shares, but I haven’t gotten a payout in about 6X the normal time.

Anyone know what’s up?

It’s fine from my side but the payout time takes longer than usual…

I see the same…getting shares, but there website has been down for some time and their app is unresponsive.

works fine for me, and our entire farms uses their API for monitoring too

I have made almost nothing in the last 22 hours according to their website and my API monitor. I have 2 - 2.3 KH/s and am only showing a balance of .0387 which i know is ridiculously low. I think there is an issue with the site somewhere or possibly the network. I submitted a ticket so I will keep tis thread updated as I get answers from them.

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Much appreciated. Do let us know what you find :slight_smile:

I just started to see the same issue. Any word from support on what’s causing it? It literally just started happening to me about an hour and a half ago. I’m about to open a ticket as well.

I have still not received any response from support. It did say it may take 24 hours for a response so I will definitely update as soon as I get one.

it’s working fine here

I received a response this morning. Everything is working fine now for me. Apparently they are/were in the process of trying to optimize the servers. According to support your earnings won’t go anywhere and are safe.

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Something was definitely wrong - shares weren’t being given despite hashrate remaining the same. It appears to have been fixed sometime in the early morning (US).