The Global Ambassador Program


The initial three-month trial period is scheduled to end on May 31. The ZCG committee has discussed the program, and we believe it has been successful and want to continue it. We recommend the community support keeping the current cohort of ambassadors on for the remainder of the year. We also recommend adding a few more ambassadors over the next few months and invite community members to nominate candidates or announce their interest in this thread.

Over time, we would like this program to be run and managed by the ambassadors. To that end, we have appointed @yoditar as “Head Ambassador” to help coordinate discussion and activities with the other ambassadors and help ensure monthly reports are submitted to ZF on time. Thank you to Yoditar, and all the ambassadors, for all their hard work and dedication.


Below are some highlights from the first three months of the program:

  • @artkor – Produced Russian-language dubs of the Fireside chat with Zooko at ETH Denver & Zcash Media documentaries on YouTube.
  • @_eric Organized physical meetups in Charlotte, NC, maintained the paywithzcash website, created the zecmap merchant locator, and produced videos using the SPEDN app by Flexa to pay for things with Zcash.
  • @Michae2xl Focused on building out the Brazilian community via the Zcash Brasil Twitter and other social media and translated a number of Tweets and blog posts into Portuguese.
  • @yoditar Ran the Spanish Zcash Group on Telegram and hosted a number of virtual meetup events focused on attracting new users, translated a number of articles from ECC and ZF into Spanish, and ran the very active Zcash Español Twitter account.
  • @ziga Produced regular content via the DocumentingZEC Twitter account. He’s significantly increased his follower count over the past few months, and is often re-tweeted by accounts with large amounts of followers, such as Barry Silbert.
  • @Zoz Organized z2z onboarding events for the Arabic community and maintained the active ZECArabic Twitter account.

How to Apply

If you’d like to be considered for the program or nominate someone else, please use this thread to introduce yourself to the community and let us know how you’d like to get involved. You can also send an email to

Program Guidelines

The Global Ambassador Program is designed to identify and reward community members who make high-quality contributions to the Zcash community. Ambassadors actively engage with the public in an effort to grow the Zcash community, drive user adoption, educate people on Zcash’s use cases, and advance awareness of Zcash’s privacy-preserving technology across global geographic regions. Ambassadors are eligible to receive a monthly stipend of $1,000 USD (paid in ZEC) for their service. Our goal is for the program to be relatively flexible, and for ambassadors to have creative freedom over the activities they plan. Ambassadors must demonstrate that they have fulfilled some of the below requirements or engaged in similar activities:

  • Organize at least one physical or virtual meetup per month
  • Maintain an active Twitter account that regularly posts Zcash-related content
  • Demonstrate community growth (e.g. increase in followers on social media or members of a group).
  • Write articles and blog posts or create original content related to Zcash
  • Translate official and community content (e.g. articles, blog posts, and educational materials) for distribution to non-English speaking communities.
  • Moderate social media channels to help maintain an informative, productive, and pleasant environment.
  • Engage in constructive discourse on social media by regularly answering questions, encouraging debate, addressing misinformation, and combating FUD.
  • Maintain close collaboration with other ambassadors via social media and connect via Signal group for ambassadors to share ideas, strategies, and experiences.

Proof of Work

In order to receive the stipend, ambassadors must provide proof of the activities they organized to the Ecosystem Relations Manager at the Zcash Foundation on a monthly basis. Some examples of proof include:

  • Photographs or video documenting in-person meetup events
  • Audio or video recordings of virtual events
  • Links to published articles, blog posts, or other informational materials
  • Activity logs from social media platforms
  • Links or screenshots to Tweets, virtual space attendance, or other online content
  • Any other relevant information that demonstrates your activities

We look forward to seeing more ambassadors participate in this program and contribute to growing the adoption and usability of Zcash.

Thank you,

Zcash Community Grants Committee