Toomim Bros GPU mining software and cloud mining

Need do clarify this:
1 s/s are = 1 h/s?

Is the following formula provable?

1 eXtremal S/s = 1 Toomim S/S = 1 Zog S/s

Everyone should be using the same terms now. 1 Solution = 1 Hash per second. The names are causing a lot of confusion and rightfully so.

When you do the PoW for Zcash, you are solving a special generalization of the probability statistics 101 birthday problem. There are some docs in the zog repo that try to explain this a bit simpler than the whitepaper. But essentially you are looking for hash collisions in a list of a certain number of hashes. A collision in this list is one solution. There is little algorithm binding that is done with 9 rounds of intermediate collision checking on certain 20 bit patterns in the 200 bit hash but don’t worry about that.

When you look for those collisions you expect to find 2 of them. Or two solutions per run and this is where miner developers are getting their metrics. They will see a solution run took say 100ms and produced on average 1.78 Sols. So you say I found 2 solutions in 100ms, then i found 1 soln in 50 which in seconds is 20 sols. Each solutions is then hashed, just like in bitcoin, and if there are enough leading 0’s to match the difficulty you have solved Zcash block. 20H/s


Thank you for your answer!

Nicehash’s miner uses (used?) “H/s” as a way of referring to Runs/s. This is flatly wrong.

Everybody else uses “H/s” to mean the same thing as “Sol/s”.

1 run is expected to result in 1.88 solutions (on average). One solution results in exactly one hash. One run therefore is expected to produce 1.88 hashes.


Thank you jtoomim for your answer!

v0.2 of nheqminer doesn’t do that now. It specifies “I/s” (iterations/s?) as Runs/s and Sol/s like everyone else.

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For some, orders are not final :slight_smile:

I guess you count as a private individual. Genesis certainly don’t though.

We don’t count as European.

It’s where your customers are that matters. If an EU citizen purchased a contract from you and you’re a limited company, they can demand a refund with no explanation. Ask any EU-based lawyer.

I see someone getting sued :slight_smile: Gotta love EU law :slight_smile:

It’s for EU companies only you idiot.

Why is my miner not showing activity at Suprnova??

My miner shows no suprnova activity as well :frowning: WTF?

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No stats on suprnova

So far TOOMIM not working!.. was it a scam? Or what happened? No suprnova activity for anyone.

We’re having some issues with our stratum proxy/switchboard code. We’re working on fixing it. We’ll catch up in hashrate as soon as we get the issues worked out.

Our miner itself is working fine.

I’ve mined .0081 ZEC on suprnova so far

understand that you might be having issues, what’s the status? I still don’t see any Hashrate on my Flypool address :frowning:

Looking forward to an answer!