Toomim Bros GPU mining software and cloud mining

Did Zero pond.Start offer Hashrate For their buyers.

No hashing still? Come on, do you expect any of these customers not to revolt. Day one is the only day that we have a chance of making any of the huge payout margins back. SO that 45+ sol/s miner is all that huh? Pffff.

Toomim - to be honest, you boasted more about your miner than properly preparing for launch. And now it doesn’t even work! Haha. And as you say a h/s is a h/s so what we bought is what we get. Bullshit, we get nothing. And it doesn’t matter to us how “efficient” your miner is. It matters only to you and YOUR margin.

And yes, if your miner would have performed, everyone would be praising genius but clearly that’s not the case.

ZeroPond started and is hashing fine,

[quote=“breasal, post:586, topic:2080, full:true”]
ZeroPond started and is hashing fine,
[/quote] ok,then we are the only losers of zcash in here.

Their pool or their cloud mining contracts?

I spent 20 BTC and No hash up to now!! Very disappointing. I want a refund as stated by @jtoomim

I have flypool configured and also 0 Hashes tehir.

Toomim. Please refund me.

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yes ,you lost a lot Today. Twenty btc.Should make you rich today.

This seems appropriate to post. It gives insight into their operation and motivation.

mining contracts. Dont think Zeropond pool is up yet for public.

Toomim just give people their money back

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what is their motivation ?

He tells you in the video.

video is too long ,no patience to find out

He says that their business model is based on trust.

I would say that is being tested now. I trust that terms of contract were breached and a refund is the best course of action.

A day that will be remembered in crypto history and everyone here didn’t get what they paid for.

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yes, now the total hashrate is very huge ,very difficult to mine with the hashrate bought from here ,and the zec price has dropped a lot ,may no way to get invest back maybe

can we get an update please?

Are you sure that the price of 1 ZEC = 10 BTC?
Can we find the current rate of ZEC? after google it

OK, I was not accurate. I have just checked my suprnova account and there is 0.0002 ZEC. Apparently this was mined before I switched to flypool because I saw 0 Hash on the dashboard. But still this is not what was promised for my 20BTC.

Any news.,Hope there is still A chance to get on the road.